Week 16. Applications and implications.

The task of this week is to answer next questions about final project:

what will it do?

As my final project is a selfie-robot - it will take photos.

who's done what beforehand?

Truely say I don't know who was the first. I read that there are a lot of different robots for shooting. For example robot for underwater shooting looks like fish.

My story started when one of my colleagues told me about robot which rides through the table during conference and take photos of most active people. When the conference ended participants finded their photos at the wall in front of the conference hall. I find this idea very funny and decided to do such robot.

what materials and components will be required?

    I need:
  1. plastic or acrylic (width 4 mm) about 1 sq.m. for сhassis and weels;
  2. threaded rod about 1 m.
  3. DC motors
  4. line sensors
  5. battery
  6. camera
  7. microcontroller for example Intel Edison
  8. connection elements: screws, washers and nuts
  9. BEC

where will they come from?

All electronics we buy in China. Acrylic and plywood we buy at hardware store near our Fab Lab.

how much will it cost

150 - 200 dollars

what parts and systems will be made?

Body and programming of electronics.

what processes will be used?

Laser cutting, 3D printing, milling.

what tasks need to be completed?

My weak side is electronics. I would like to work more with the electronic board. Now I use the Galileo Edison in my final project. I would like to develop the microplate myself and program it in such way that the pictures from the camera immediately acted and created themed albums in social networks, such as, for example, Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter and others.

what questions need to be answered

How to program the motion of the robot to the voice.

what is the schedule?

Hopefully 1 iteration per week.

how will it be evaluated?

My idea is to make nice body, reduce the size of the robot, and improve the electronic part and reduce noise level.

All about my final project is here .