Week 15. Interface and Application Programming.


Write an application that interfaces with an input &/or output device

I work with Galileo Edison. Today task is to write an application which allow to get information from Galileo Edison to PC.

In order to connect Galileo to a computer, there are several options - Internet, USB, and debug 6-pin cable. The easiest and most affordable is the Internet connection. The problem is that the default network is not configured to Galileo, and to see it even after connecting the cable fail. There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Galileo connect to the router, which will distribute its IP-address (Internet or Wi-Fi).
  2. Connect the card to the computer and give it IP-address with its own DHCP-server. You can use OpenDHCPServer. To configure it you need to configure the interface to which to connect Galileo, a static address (for example,, and add the address for the wiretapping configuration OpenDHCPServer, and then run it as a service or standalone. In this case, in order to board saw online, it is necessary to carry out additional settings.

After receiving the IP-address, you can connect to board via SSH.

  1. The first step is to determine the IP-address of the machine. If you connect to the router, you can look at the admin panel of the router what IP-address was distributed DHCP. If OpenDHCPServer, the console will see that the IP distributed.
  2. Enter the desired data.

Now start to customize ecosystem. We use Python and install Azure SDK for Python. Python you can get here .

Loading Azure SDK for Python:

git clone https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python.git
   cd azure-sdk-for-python/
   python setup.py install

Set the current date:
rdate -s time.nist.gov

(It should be carried out so as not to receive error 401ExpiredToken: when you send messages to the queue Azure)

Install and update the necessary software:
opkg update
opkg install openssl
opkg install curl

During the robot moving camera continuously works, then through the Galileo Edison comes storyboard record and good pictures are at first save at Galileo and then transferred to the PC.

I use modified Neil's program .

Week 12. Output devices. Addition

I have done circuit board on Epilog Legend Mini 24 Laser

using Sprint-Layout 6.0 (".lay6")

For laser cutter I save the file as (".bmp")

PCB sheet was treated by sandpaper. Then the PCB covered with one layer of acrylic paint. Paint covers to track remained after etching. After laser cutting dropped into a solution of ferric chloride and water (1:2). After 5 minutes, the board is ready. Washed it with water. Removed the excess paint with acetone. Drill a hole in the ground fixing components.

Soldered elements .

For programming I use Attiny 2313A-SU. Here is code.

Here is video