We didn't receive cardboard kit because of problems with custom service we used old unworking project from our fablab:
It wasn't working because 3D-printed holders were broke.
We decided to redesign the project for the 6mm plywood. First we designed holders in SolidWorks:
1m x 1m working table also were designed to be made from plywood:
4 10mm smooth rods and 3 timing belts were used to organize mechanical movements.
To simplify the project we used bearings without pulleys.
To move parts we used 4 stepper motors, Arduino Mega and RAMPS shield to control these motors.
Than we decided to use plotter system for painting.
Software part consist of Inkscape and extension Gcodetools for it.
Using Path->Trace Bitmap... you may vectorize any image:
Than use Gcodetools to make gcode and upload it using special Arduino sketch to the plotter:
The result is presented of this video: