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My final project ideas

Option 1 - Project Write-Up Booth

Having worked at Fab Lab Manchester for the last 3 years, I am quite keen to try and make something that will benefit the lab. A big problem we have in Manchester is getting open-access users to submit write-ups for the things they make. The main reason for that is the current system (or lack of) that we use which rely's on the user navigating our website to upload their project details. Automating the process and having it available in the lab, whilst making it easy to use and fun, would mean we have many more projects written up, to a structured usable standard.

I imagine the booth (made on shopbot?) could have a nicely programmed front end that prompts you (using spoken audio and visuals on screen) for information such as: project description, inspiration behind the idea, learning points etc, all of which could be recorded by video and/or USB file upload. It would allows you to tag machines and collaborative project members and categorize your project. All design files would be taken by USB. Once the information is captured it could then relay and sync that to a server which would feed the "Project Forum" area of the website.



Option 2 - Home Automation Kit

I have just bought a house in Manchester and would like to create a home automation system for electronic devices and heating/lighting that can be made in a Fab Lab at low cost. It would have a room by room programmable audio that would feed from a home NAS server. All film and other multimedia would be stored on the same server and would be accessible by all compatible devices in the household. Heating and lighting could be controlled and monitored remotely maybe with the addition of power saving/ seasonal  program adjustments.

Option 3 - The Frontrunner - Beer Brewing Automation Device

I love craft beer. So do most of my friends and all of my Fab Lab colleagues. Therefore I would like to brew some great tasting hoppy pale ale that I can drink in the relative comfort of my new home for £1 per pint or less (as oppose to £4 per pint in the pub). As I have already have an interest in how great beer is made I know that it is a complicated multi-stage process that does not leave much room for error when casking the perfect brew. Therefore a programmable machine that can aid the home brewer would almost certainly be well received.

The device would be able to heat and cool to a programmable temperature, add ingredients into the brew and stir whilst all the time measuring such factors as carbon dioxide levels and specific gravity of a liquid (if possible). The information sensed would then be sent to the user in a handy web app that could ultimately be a mobile app and cut out the hours of attention needed to make a great home brew.

