Embedded Programming

Read a microcontroller data sheet
program your board to do something, with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible. Here is the link to see the details.

For this week i have redesigned HELLOboard with ATtiny44A and the RGB led and the buttom and I will program this board by using the FabISP programmer (which i made during the Electronics Production Week exercise) with the Arduino IDE and Arduino Bootloader. Here is the link to download Arduino code.
Arduino IDE Software: http://arduino.cc/es/main/software
Arduino ATtiny hardware Library: https://github.com/damellis/attiny/archive/master.zip
FTDI Drivers: http://www.ftdichip.com/FTDrivers.html

Programming the ATtiny44 microcontroller

After installing all the required software, drivers and libraries, now its time to program the HELLOboard with Arduino IDE, for that you need to follow these steps:

Steps to programming the micro controller with Arduino:
Connect the ISP programmer with your Hello board using your ISP connector cable.
With the USB cable conect ISP programmer to your computer and open your Arduino IDE.
Go to Tools > Board menu and select ATtiny44 (20 Mhz Clock)
Go to Tools > Programmer menu and select USBtinyISP
To burn the bootloader to the microcontroller go to Tools and select Burn Bootloader

Programming the HELLOboard

First of all you need to find out that what is the pinout for REGled and Button, for that i have checked the schematic layout of ATtiny44 microcontroller to refer the pin numbers which are being used in my HELLOboard.

Simple Blink Test:
To test if my board is perfectly soldered and is working the simple way is upload an led blink script example on Arduino IDE but for that you have to make sure that FabISP and HELLObboard are connected to the computer.
3. Go to Files > Examples > 01.Basics and select Blink
4. Change the int led = 13; value to corresponding pin number int led = 7;
5. Upload your code with the upload button. (top-left corner on the IDE, side of check button)