Assignment - Composites

Mold Design

For the mold I designed a simple cylindrical tray with VA logo on top of it. I draw tray design in .stl and create toolpath in V Curve pro software, please go through below.

I crated .sbp toolpaths, one for the pocket and one for the cutout (see files at the bottom) and now this model is ready to mill in the shopbot. The only problem, in my lab we don't have shopbot machine. So I asked help to COEP Pune fab lab but due to maintenance issue we can not used that machine either.

Actual Model used for composites

Neil told in last lecture that we have used Shopbot machine for this asignment but In Vigyan Ashram FAB LAB we do not have shopbot so I used exsisting model for composite assignments

I have use shopbot machine in barcelona FAB10 ok. So for this assignment I decided to use exsisting object as a mold and I chose making of tray, it was apple tray. This tray size 1 * 1.5 feet.


This tray is already made from composites with paper and glue. Then I decided to create a natural composite with layers of hydrostone + cotton strip as fiber.
I collect required material: Hydrostone, water, bowl,cotton strips,brush,tray etc.

First I have clean tray with vaccum cleaner then I put glue,hydroston and cotton strip material layer by layer. I put 2 layers of cotton and hydrostone.

After this I droping paste on backside of try properly and dry for one and half hours.

After drying I seperate object and composite object. Then I got above tray with composites material. Cotton makes tray not as brittle as if it was only with hydrostone so it has little flexibility and extra strength.


In Vigyan Ashram FAB LAB we dont have shop bot machine. But this did not stop me to complete the assignment. So created my 3D design for the mold till toolpath and did my assignments on existing object. Since I have already used shopbot in FAB10 this is also ok.

Download design files

I have attached my tray 3D design and created toolpath folder. Download folder for files from here.