Work on your final project, documenting your progress.

I have been working on the final project on alongside the assignments since approximately Week 6.

You can find a lot of the documentation for it during the appropiate weeks because my final project is a sum of many assignments that I've been working during the semester. That was my goal all the time.

Some of the questions that need to be solve are: is the acrylic going to suffer well to the salty water of the sea? How long it can take there? Can I find another design form maybe more aerodynamic?

The final project is made completely. It all has worked well except a thing. I am explaining what it didn't work in the Final Project assignment. But it was basically the following:

Unfortunately the modified radio board didn't worked well. I modified the one of Fab Academy and maybe that was the reason. In the near future I would probably need to use other wireless technologies, or maybe repeat the board as many times as possible as it works well.

Spiral Development has been a good workflow to follow as I usually find myself thinking in too many ideas and never completing anything. I'm very glad to learn that is basic to start with small things and then iterate them till they can work well. Even if they are not very complicated. Do it simple but do it well.

I have learned that basic functionality is important and necessary. I felt bad cause I could not made the wireless connection but in the other hand I could test that the case works, that the electronics work: the accelerometer, my microprocessor with the ATMEGA 328 and also all the interface application programming.

But I've also learned that the time you need to make a simple task is greater than you think. You should prepare the final project from the very beginning. Otherwise your last month in the Fab Academy can be a nightmare. Repeat processes, check the fail lists and don't hesitate to ask the community for any help.