Week 15  - Interface and Application Programming

Assignment – Write an application that interfaces with an input or output device


What I did this week


I started by exploring Processing, following the tutorials and playing with the examples. Then decided to create an application that I could use in my final project.



Next I designed a RGB LED board in Eagle based on the Fab Academy Output board






 board     board


Programmed the board using my FAB ISP in Arduino see code below.
Used internal clock so be sure to choose correct board before uploading program.

board working


Using processing imported image of Kleebo Face as background and drew on cheeks. Made simple program to change colour of cheeks when the mouse moved across the background image and over the cheeks.



 Processing code


Used bridge board from network week to connect up computer with RGB LED
 Made new cable to join them up - from a  4 to 6 header

processing evidence     board

 Tested the board - see lights blue/cheeks blue and cheeks red/light red.  Great very exciting it works !

boards working 
Bridge board with RGB LED board 

Files for RGB LED board  


Files for Processing


What next?

Add other features of the face and develop the interface application further for the final project
Make changes to board design to allow use of analogue function