Annie Lywood

Welcome to my FABLABLOG

My name is Annie I am a school teacher in Design and Technology.  I have joined the Fab Academy course this year to update my skills in digital technology and to specialise in STEaM projects when returning to school in 6 months. I will be taking everything I learn back to school with me to share with our teachers network and the children. I am hoping it will inspire me and others to get inventive, experiment more and have fun making almost anything.

Week 1

Project Management

The Fab Academy is a global educational program where all students are logged to the same main server. All work made in Fab Academy can be pushed to the server and can be pulled back and updated. To make this possible I will be learning how to use and download Ubuntu and Mercurial. Mercurial is a free control management tool which helps to organise an archive. I selected SeaMonkey to create my website having watched tutorials and used the website for HTML coding support. I would like to add additional features and spend further time looking at code to understand it's function but I'm happy to have made a start.

Final Project Proposal

My aims

I aim to apply as many of the skills I will be learning during the Fab Academy course and to showcase my understanding of the units through a simple robotics project that I could make with the children on my return to school. I would like to include interactive elements, coding, touch sound and light sensors. I hope to be able to create an interesting school project bringing electronics, making and programming together in a fun experimental way. The project will be open source with easy to follow templates, and produced at low cost using locally sourced materials.  The robot will allow children to learn the basic practical skills of fabrication, electronics and programming but also to experiment with and personalise their robots, create characters and stories, design games and be creative. To promote communication, engineering, innovation and creativity through inspiring STEaM projects.


A robot

 To make a simple practical robot base with sensors that can be easily transformed into something more unique at a later stage as my skills develop. I will  record and simplify the process in clear stages so the robot can be easily recreated and the project extended according to the children's ability.


·      use cheap and easily accessible materials to be sustainable

·      easily personalised and  interactive

·      used in games so must be indestructible or easily mended

·      can be programmed and directed from an ipad or phone

·      game extensions and team challenges  

To implement my final project I will need to acquire the following skills and knowledge

·    Research existing robotic projects suitable for children aged 11 – 16 yrs and the STEaM curriculum

·      Learn to use sketch-up and Rhino to draw up my final project

·      Test and source materials for the body of the robot

·      Learn how to programme  & investigate interactive elements and user interfaces

·      Research and test different sensors

·      Consider the power source and solar power as an option   

First thoughts, sketches and ideas for robot project

mindmap robot

sketch        sketch robot