Week 6Electronics design
José  J. Lazarte R.

redraw the echo hello-world board,
      add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor)

Scheme of tracks to add an LED and a button was modified. considering the description of pin ATiny44. According to the description shown in the figure, we decided to use the terminals 11 and 10, which correspond to pins 2 and 3 respectively.

The images of the initial and the modified scheme below in which I  added two resistors, an LED and Button.

With the file in png format proceed to drill the hole of the tracks on the card. Obtaining the result shown. imperfections are observed at the edges but the routing went very well. With the experience gained in the assigment 4, the assembly of the card was made.

Where we can see the button, the LED and current limiting resistors.

Check the design rules, and make it

The design rules are based componetes Additional characteristics to consider voltage and current limits.
Whereas the level of supply voltage is 5 volts. for the case of the diode led.
Agree to the datasheet it has a LED test current of 10mA. In our case  to reduce the power consumption in the device I considered that the main current for the diode is 5mA.
Using Kirchoff's laws we can calculate the value of resistance needed to obtain the required current in the LED.

V= IxR => R= V/I : R = 5v/5mA = 1KOhm

An for the button i used a pull down resitor.  Both connections are shown in the following image.

To check the funcionality of the implemented circuit, Reviewing referecias given for this assignment I found the following precedure:

For me to program the ATtiny44 on a windows environment use the USBcard built in assigment 4 and the appropriate drivers.

We loaded the Arduino program and he configured the Card used, the port and programmer type.

The following figure shows how to connect the programmer to the ATtiny44 card.

The programs used to test the card is obtained from those who are in the examples in the Arduino program, modifying the terminals used to interact with the LED and button using the ATtiny44. Below is the code of the demo programs and video shows.
Video 1
Video 2

     References:     - http://highlowtech.org/?p=1695
                           - https://github.com/damellis/attiny/
                           - http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software#.Ux3osPl5OJ9
                           - http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ATTINY44A-SSU/ATTINY44A-SSU-ND/1914708s
