This week's assignment

Set up communication/network between 2 devices with separate processors. I am using this week to set up and initiate communication to the Raspberry Pi board and associated camera (which I will use in the final project).  

Basic Pi Board Hardware and connectivity requirements

Basic Pi Board Setup Steps

The following link is helpful:
Basic setup Information

Useful Pi Commands

To go to windows desktop $ startx

To check configuration
To check connection $ ping (or alternate web location)
To play video on Pi $ omxplayer video.h264 (or appropriate filename)

Setting up the camera module

There is an excellent tutorial at

I set up the camera and took some test photos and videos using the raspistill and raspivid commands. Another helpful link is

Setting up VNC

The process of setting up the connections listed above is time consuming. An alternative is to work on the Pi remotely from any location and this can be done using VNC (Virtual Network Computing). This requires a VNC download to the Pi and also to the PC to be used.

Instructions for downloading Tight VNC Package on to Raspberry Pi

Download Tightvnc to laptop

It takes some time to work through this process but I was able to connect remotely from the PC to the Pi (use the ifconfig command to determine the Pi's IP address).

Communication and Programming

For initial communication, I downloaded Arduino to the Pi and ran some basic programs (Blink, etc.) to verify the communication. Then I ran some simple programs via Arduino to do serial communication between Arduino and the Pi. Finally for now, I created some very basic Python programs to take an Arduino output signal and execute a command on the Pi (taking a still photo).


This week's work has resulted in a lot of progress towards my final project. I have the Pi setup complete and have a very basic understanding of the communication and programming required to program it in my application.

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