This week's summary
This week's exercise was to sketch the project using various 2D
and 3D tools.
For 2D, I modified my previous drawing from MS Visio.
For 2D, I also created a version in Inkscape.
For 3D, I did some work on Solidworks (which we use at our

I like the Solidworks interface and it is clearly a very powerful
tool. I believe it is going to take some time to become proficient
but I will keep working on it.
Also this week
We did some work on the Vinyl Cutter. This involved creating an
image in Inkscape and successfully printing it on the cutter.
Settings: Stroke Style 5 pt., Stroke fill to Red
Bottom Edge of page is front edge of roll.
We had some issues with the drivers for the machine so used a
thumb drive to get the file locally to the machine.
Separately, I procured a version on Solidworks and started some
rudimentary 3D design. I also received an overview of the
Stratasys 3D printer in our college lab (which I anticipate using
later in this course).
I had issues (still to be resolved) setting up the fab Modules
on my Windows PC (of course I'm the only one in my class on
Windows!). I have downloaded Cygwin and the Modules but still have
some work to do to get them working.