For this week's assignment I used Arduino Examples library to FADE THE LED on my microcontroller board.


Arduino sketch for Fading LED can be found here. Replace with your own LED pin number.
This page from High-Low Tech, illustrating the pin-outs on ATtiny84/85/44/45 was the most frequently
visited during all the lessons, dealing with microcontroller boards. A good bookmark.

This is just a small experiment - a proposal for 'guess-which-song' game. Players have 3 tries to guess the song - from 1 word, from 2 and
from 3. It uses Arduino board to send data over Serial to activate "Speech for Arduino", a text-to-speech program on the computer, which then
conducts the game, in accordance with whether the button is pressed ("HIGH') or not ("LOW").


Arduino sketch for PHONEMINAL KARAOKE game - can be found here: Phoneminal_Karaoke.ino
YouTube video, demonstrating PHONEMINAL KARAOKE GAME - can be seen here: