This week we learned how to use the Modela micro-milling machine.
The task was to build and program an in-circuit programmer (ISP) - a "device" that will allow us to directly program micro-controllers.
I understood it as a sort of "intermediary" or "translator" between the laptop's language and the micro-controller's language.

This week was about electronics fabrication, so we didn't have to design the board from scratch.
So we just cut it out with the Modela, soldered the components and programmed it.

Here are the steps, documented:

step 1: milling the board

Our class voluntarily divided into 2 groups - according to the USB-connection preferences.
I was in a group, that used the design, with the board-edge USB connector (Andy's design).
We downloaded the design and uploaded it to the Modela.
Through trial-and-error we made corrections to the default settings (milling depth, number of paths, etc).

step 2: identifying the components

step 3: soldering the components

step 3a: fixing the mistake

step 4: programming the ISP

step 2: attaching the cable