It started with an exercise set-out by our instructor Shawn - where we had to get from SQUARE to a TILE, WITH RECTANGULAR NOTCHES.
The date was February 13th, so, in a festive spirit, I decided to put LETTERS on the test tiles to form words like "LOVE" AND "LIVE", upon contact.
Then, of course, it became clear that "LIVE" can easily become "EVIL", while "LOVE" turn to "VELO".
And that is how the idea for the "3D SCRABBLE" was born.
Shawn also liked the 3D SCRABBLE idea - and proposed to WRITE A CODE, that would allow to RANDOMLY GENERATE the 4 letters for each Scrabble-tile.
He used a program called "SNAP.SVG" - which lets you "animate your .svg file".
From Shawn's email:
"Hi Aisha:
I just whipped up a little Snap script that takes a template tile, clones them in a grid, then replaces all of the letters in an SVG with random ones.
Probably needs more work on letter choosing frequency; there seem to be a lot of X's. Check it out here:
It displays the generated SVG in the window, and puts the SVG source code in the text box at the bottom.
Just cut and paste that, save it in a text file named "Fabble.svg" and open in Inkscape. See if that works for you.
Reload the page to get different results. When you test your tile, you can just replace the template file:
What's neat about SVG is that it is an image format that is integrated completely with HTML.
So it is very easy to use any HTML programming tricks to manipulate images as well.
4. LETTERS - detachable?
We played with this 4-RANDOM-LETTERS-PER-TILE set-up for a bit and realized that it is very limiting for word formation.
So I decided to experiment with stationary and detachable letters on the tiles.
Player 1: BUSH
Player 2: UFO
Player 3: SELF
Player 1: LEAD
Player 2: CRUSH
Player 3: MICROBE