Luis Ernesto Flores Olazo- academy 2014

Interface and Application Programming

For this assignment I will to explore two ways to do a simple interface using processing and rhinoceros-grasshopper. My Fabduino is not complete yet so I going to use and arduino board and a accelerometer which will be the input of my final project.

For processing we need to dowload the software (32 bits verssion to use serial function) and the arduino IDE too.

Once downloaded the softwares the code are very simple for each one and very similar too.

You can find the code at the end in Files section and download.

First flash the arduino code and then start processing and ´run the code. A window will appear with a range of color from black to blue acording with the signal which comes from the accelerometer.

Here you have a video of how it works.

In the next experiment we are going to control a parametric design with an input signal (accelerometer), We will use Rhinoceros-grasshopper and firefly, so you must download this softwares and isntall. (you ccn download the evaluation version)

Open Rhinoceros and type on the comand line: grasshopper and then click on "firefly"

Drag and drop the blocks to form the next configuration

Plug your arduino, flash the board with the firmata code (provided in the files section at the end) and...


