Luis Ernesto Flores Olazo- academy 2014

Electronics Design

For this assignment I had to modify a eagle circuit (echo hello world board) in order to add two components :a button and a LED with current-limiting resistor, after that make the board through milling process and finally solder the components

The process begins using Eagle softwar to make the schematic. You have to download the fab-library and copy it into documents-eagle floder in order to be able to use it.

Photo 1:Original eagle schematic

After add the button and LED with current limiting resistor:

Photo 2: my version, the added componets are highlighted

The next step is to make the routing

Photo 3: The original and the modified version

Once you finish your design you can start the fabrication process, for that you have to export the image from eagle in monochrome but be carefull because the following could occur: .

Photo 4:Milling the wrong part

What happened?... the machine remove all what is on black color, So if you get the image like photo 4 (right) you must to invert the color, in my case I used Gimp to do that.

Photo 5:The right colors to fabricate

OK, once you have the right image letf's open fab modules on ubuntu by typing "sudo bush-password-fab", select the PNG file type and Roland modela rml

Photo 6:Fab modules interface

Then fix well the board on the machine platform and calibrate the "z" axis, start milling

Photo 7:Milling

...Then the soldering process...

Photo 8:Welding tools

List os componets

Photo 9:List of components

Photo 10:Resonator soldered

After solder all components:

Photo 11:Final product


