Digital Fabrication Principles and Practices
This week's task is to begin building a personal website/portfolio with a section about myself, and a section describing my final project. I intended to use Dokuwiki as a platform for my personal website.
What is Dokuwiki?
DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software written in the PHP programming language that doesn't require a database as it works on plain text files.
Why I chose DokuWiki?
- It has a clean and readable syntax
- Quick to update and new pages are easily added
- Maintains a history of every change
- Does not require a database
- Easy to install and use
- Low system requirements
- Device independent
- Open Source
- Stores all versions of each wiki page, allowing the user to compare the current version with any older version
Materials and tools
- Hardware: A Personal computer with Ubuntu 12.4 installed
- Software: Dokuwiki, Apache, PHP version 5.2 or later, GIMP for sizing images
- Make sure that Apache, and PHP 5.2+ are installed
- Careful you don't fall off your seat!
Here is my DokuWiki Installation
Hints and tips
- If you want to change the default logo at the top right hand corner of the page resize your picture, and make it 64x64 pixels for instance.
- If you want to use the picture that you have copied/uploaded to ''/var/www/dokuwiki/data/media/wiki e.g. xyz.png as a logo you can change it's name to logo.png using: #mv xyz.png logo.png from Ubuntu CLI.