Hello everyone, my name is Yabed and I'm learning how to MAKE (almost) anything

Fab Academy 2014

>> Week 14, Apr 30: Mechanical design, machine design

Instructor assignment: Design or modify a machine.

Student assignment: Do the mechanical desing for your final project


For this assignment, I learn to assembly a machine and I also designed some pieces for my final project.

Assembling a three shafts CNC machine; the pieces are ready for assembly. You can see the support for the spinning that is previously assembled, which includes the motor and the shafts for the movement of Z shaft.

We start with the machine’s body.

Then, we assembly the base, which includes some bushings to allow the movement on Y shaft; it also includes a worm gear, with which the machine controls the movement. To finish this part a flexible attachment is used to connect the motor to the system.

Then we proceed to mount in the spinning, which will move on the X shaft, in the machine

The pieces should be aligned so that they have the most frictionless movement possible; thus, the motors will not work excessively.


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Mechanical desing for my final project


By using Inventor software, I designed a piece I hope I will be able to print in the 3D printer.

Case heater design, to be plotted by using ShopBot, in a 12mm MDF.

Case setting design, to be plotted by using Laser cutter in aeromodelling 3,10mm plywood.



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