Computer Aided Design

Week 1:
Fab academy is really exciting, but it is a Lot of work! I used to be more familiar with HTML and I know that this page is not the best on the web but I'm trying not to fall behind. I am really putting my best effort into this class. I am in California right now installing a Fab Lab and all we talk about it Fab Academy. I am lucky enough to have a few people to help me out. I am afraid that between installing a new Fab Lab in Richmond, California and trying to reteach myself html, this website is going to look a little "unprofessional", but it will get better. I came up with my final project idea because I am a lighting designer. I like lighting and electronics! I think LEDs are the future of not just theatrical lighting, but lighting in general. Every year more powerful and efficient diodes are created and experimented with.
This first week was very rocky. Just last Wednesday I was in Ohio attending the first class. Now I am in California scrambling to come up with Something acceptable, but not thrown together haphazardly. I really care about this class and what it has to offer. The subject matter of this class is the way of the future, unequivocally. .

A rough version of what the unit will look like..

Practicing with light emission.