Embedded Programing

This week assignment was to Read a microcontroller data sheet and Program the Hello Button+Led board, we had design two weeks ago to do something with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible.

First I plugged my Board to Fab Isp and an FTDI cable.

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As I am not familiar with programming in general and with ardino in particular I followed This tutorial

At first I had to downloaded Arduino Ide software, ATTINY Board Files , As well as the FTDI cable drivers.

I selected the ATtiny44 (external 20 MHz clock) from the board list which located in the tool menu.

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Then I selected the usbtinyISP from the programmer list , in the tool menu.Then I Run the "Burn Bootloader" command from the Tools menu.

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This configures the fuse bits of the microcontroller so it runs at 8 MHz.

The board was ready for programming:

In the File menu > I selected Examples > 02. Digital > Button Provides a code example for programming the LED+BUTTON.

I changed the pin numbers to coordinate it to my board:

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Then by the upload button (arrow) I loaded the program to the board,

The led remained on as far as I pressed the button.

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In the Arduino examples I have tried to modified the ligth to fade in and out in various rates

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Arduino Fade from Neta on Vimeo.