2013 Fab Lab Barcelona SuperNode /Fab Lab Sevilla /Jose Perez de Lama |
[week 01 / 23.01.2013] [Assignment] Mercurial; personal web page; potential final project [potential final project: Retablillo de las Maravillas] Image below. I am thinking of a movable/portable contraption which could perform as some kind of carnival booth to throw balls at trying to turn down certain figures, and as a puppet theater. It would have the size and aspect of a pin ball machine. It could be mounted on a shopping cart or on a specifically designed cart. I think of it as a derivative of Alex's [Amsterdam] Foosbal project and Lima's Fab7 ambulantes. It could be taken to carnivals, demonstrations or rallies. In these cases it would work as an agit-prop piece. Issues :: # Design and fabrication of the little theater box and the cart, that should be [1] strong enough to be moved around, and [2] composed of at least two different modules that would allow to transport it in a mide size car. # Design of the ball circulation system, as in the goals of the foosbal project. # Design and fabrication of the electronic elements, that could include a scoring system [similar to that in a bowling alley], and some sound and light interaction with players; and batteries for non-plugged in operation. It could be interesting to study electricity production through solar panels, but this could be the object of future development, too. # Puppet design. # Integration of a sound system for puppet theater performance. # Integration of a removable stand to hold a cell-phone to video record the theater performances and distribute them online. # Integration of storage space. # Development of dramaturgies for the two situations, carnival booth and puppet theater; that is development of scenarios of how the piece should or could be used to guide the design process. # Development of a web site to place the digital version of the piece. Ideally there should be interaction between the physical piece and its digital alias. But this, too, could be the object of a further development. ![]() [tutorials] Fab Academy tutorial :: http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/project_management/archive.html Mercurial installation for Ubuntu and Mercurial workflow :: http://htca.us.es/blogs/fabacademy2013/tutorials/mercurial-ubuntu/ Ekiga for video conference; installation and use: http://htca.us.es/blogs/fabacademy2013/tutorials/ekiga-videoconference/ [resources] http://mercurial.selenic.com/ http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/preface.html Mercurial conceptual intro :: http://hginit.com/ Mercurial troubleshooting: http://www.as220.org/fabacademy/tutorials/mecurial_troubleshooting.html /////// return home /perezdelama.jose |