The assignment this week was to add a device to a microcontroller board and make it do something. I decided to add an array of Charlieplexed LEDs. I started by downloading the traces and interior files, C code and Makefile from this week's page. Next, I milled the board, stuffed, and programmed it without much of a problem. This part of the process is starting to get more familiar and routine the more I do it.
Revised file used for programming - C Code
I re-wrote a really long program which was too large to fit on the microcontroller. I knew this because while trying to program thge board I got an error message and I saw that the memory needed was 145% of what was available on the microcontroller. So, I programmed the board with two separate versions of an alphabet sequence. One video has a scrolling message that says 'A B C ' s' and then starts into the alphabet flashing each letter. Next is a second video of the entire alphabet sequence. The letters are not perfectly sized but you can see them clearly.
Video Another video