This week we are to work on the machine and final project, documenting your progress:

What questions need to be resolved?

I still have questions about the timing of communications through the serial port. I am sending characters between boards and picking them up, however the resulting character or integer is not corrrect. So either the bits are getting shaved or I am not sending what I thought I was.

what tasks need to be completed?

I still need to make my own board to drive the motor. I was using the factory arduino to control my servo, but I want to transition to using a board I made myself in the lab. Also, I have to cut the fianl design pieces for my part.

I have kept the same design and the only things that have changed as I've been working on this projects have been on the electronics/programming side. I have made three or four different boards, trying to get to the point that I have a board that I made in the lab, that can drive a servo motor as well as communitate with other boards over a bus as well as though a SPI. I am working on expanding the servo board itself from output week as well as the fab-arduino from inputs week. Check to see what boards I ended up using when you visit my Final Project Page.

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