• Phyllis Klein

Final Project Development ~

Project description:

REMEMBER2 is a wearable device that is programmable to sparkle at intervals to remind the wearer to...

step away from the computer, stay on task, exercise, etc.

Project progress:

I've made a couple of working prototypes for my final project, using various materials.

Next steps:

• Experiment with polyethlene plastic sheet material design using Rhino.

• Design/make a very small circuit board, w/ ATtiny 45 or 85.

• Make Barduino and use it to program ATtiny45 or 85 to turn the LEDs on and off at regular 20 minute intervals.

• Add a pressure sensor as an on/off or reset button.

• Consider adding sound component.

• Modified Basic Arduino Blink Code:

Blinks on an LED on for three minutes, then off for twenty minutes, repeatedly.


void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
pinMode(pin#, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(#, HIGH); // sets the LED on 5v? or 3v?
delay(180000); // waits for 3 minutes
digitalWrite(#, LOW); // sets the LED off
delay(1200000); // waits for 20 minutes

Anna suggested that I make/use the FTDI board.


Final project documentation, continued.


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