
This web site is Itaya Satoshi's project page in Fab Academy 2013.


"Who are you?" My name is Satoshi Itaya. I'm from Japan. Now, I'm studying personal fabrication in Fab Lab Lima. I worked at a manufacturer in Japan before. I was a patent lawyer, NOT engineer and designer. So I have to start studying technology from the beginning.

"Why are you in Lima?" I think many people who read my profile are wondering same thing. So let me talk about this. After quitting my job, I've been going around the world from Asia to South America. The following figure shows my route. I started from Japan. I've been to SouthEast Asia, India, Nepal, China, Middle Asia, Turkey, Europe, Central America and Peru.

Along the way of my travel, I was thinking that if I have skill to make what I want, I can make many useful tools for travel. And originally, I wanted to create something by myself. One day, I found the information about Fab Academy on a Website. At that time, I was staying in Guatemala. And it seems that Japan's Fab Labs don't join in the Fab Academy. So, I choosed Lima near Guatemala.

"What do you want to do?" As I said, One of what I want to do is to make useful tool for travel. For example, small vehicle kit using electronic power, flying camera and hands free camera. And I also want to make hardware products collaborating with Web technologies.