FAB ACADEMY 2013////////////////////////////
Javier Pérez Contonente aka Japi

Week15 .- Mechanical design, machine design


	03._Linear Motion


In Fab Lab Leon we decided to make a 3D printer protoype, and we chose the Rostock REPRAP model as the starting point, because of its beautiful setup and movement and its big Build volume: 200x200x400 mm:
REPRAP Rostock
This prototype is a Delta Robot, wich is a type of parallel robot that consists of three arms connected to universal joints at the platform and carriege.
The universal joint is a kind of joint or coupling in a rigid rod that allows the rod to 'bend' in any direction: Universal joint
The key design feature is the use of parallelograms in the arms, which maintains the orientation of the end effector in our case the platform for the Hotend extruder for the plastic filament.


Enclosure at the base and top frame: 19 mm MDF board, cutted in CNC with a 6 mm end mill: Base drawing The base is designed to contain the power suply and the electronics.
Also several holes are made to place several propellers to ventilate properly that volume, and to reuse the heat coming from the electronics to the hot bed: Base mounted Fasteners: mostly M3 (some M4 and M8)

03._Linear motion:

Timing belt: 3x 1524 mm GT2 belt (2 mm pitch)
Timing belt
Timing belt pulleys: 3x GT2.5 plastic pulleys with 32 teeth. Printed in ABS from here
Timing belt pulley
Drive rods: 6x 762x8 mm stainles steel precision smooth rods.
Drive shaft
Linear bearings: 6x LM8UU
Linear Bearing
Ball bearings: 3x 608ZZ, 3x F608ZZ.
Ball Bearing


As extruder we printed a version of the Jonas Kuehling bowden extrusion system for a 6mm tube, based on Gregs Wade extrusion system: Printed in ABS from thingiverse
Extruder parts
The extruder and the hotend platform are not placed together, instead we will place the extruder at the top of the structure. And then we will join the two parts with a 6mm tube with the plastic filament inside.
This is the extruder mounted: Extruder mounted

05._Hot end:

We buyed a version of the Budaschnozzle made here in Spain. The Budaschnozzle 1.3 is a high performance hot end for use with RepRap and other 3D printers. The hot end comes completely assembled: you wire it to your electronics and it is ready to print.
The hot end is placed bellow the Platform as shown in the picture:
Hotend mounted
On top of the platform we need the Hotend holder, in the picture bellow you see the different parts needed:
Hotend holder parts
And the hotend holder mounted on top of the platform:
Hotend holder mounted


These 3D printers use RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield RAMPS wich is a printable circuit board that fits on the Arduino MEGA and holds interchangeable stepper driver carriers and the rest of RepRap's electronics.
This is an schematic of the wiring:
RAMPS wiring
Our Idea is to make a Fabable 1-sided RAMPS and build a Fabduino MEGA, making a modular system wich is compatible with the existing firmware.
The modules will be:

	.-3 Plug in stepper drivers
	.-1 Extruder control electronics
	.-3 Endstop module
	.-Heating module for the Hotend extruder heater and the Heated Build Plate
	.-Thermistor module for the Heated Build Plate and the Hotend extruder heater
	.-Power suply


Next I place some pictures of the assembly process:
The printed parts in ABS:
Printed parts
The Rostock parts placed in order:
Rostock parts
Idler end:
Idler end
Motor end:
Motor end
And the state of the art:
State of the art