Downloaded cobra snake 3D model on 123D Make, Mac OS 10.8
Downloaded cobra snake 3D model on Solidworks with added base, windows 7.
Model cuts on 123 Make with additional slices for support on windows 7.
Another view of the model cuts on 123 Make with additional slices for support on windows 7.
Cutter pieces arrangement
Then a 3mm MDF was cut. We had a few issues because the cutter was actually cutting the numbers in the pieces. It was fixed by changing the laser power with the other layer.
Note: Both laser printing and vinyl cuter mini projects were done by Jorge Montalvo and Me. To see the vinyl cuter project, please go to Jorge’s web page in Fablab academy 2013
My course project is the making a snake like robot. For this class I wanted to make a 3D piece of the project by plane cutting. The thing is that the snake robot pieces are quite simple, and so, I downloaded a 3D model of a cobra snake for this class.
This 3D model had a small issue, the stability. If you print it, or cut it, it will not free stand. And so, a circular base was added in Solidworks.
Afterwards, cuts were done with 123 Make in windows, since we were already on windows with Solidworks. One of the main issues for this was that the geometry of the snake changes due to the rolling, thus, the chosen orientation is sometime appropriate for some parts of the model but not for all. We had to add an slice in order to improve the support of the structure. Without this slice, the snake was attached in only one connection.
With 123D Make a DXF was generated but the cutter software presented an error, therefore, we exported to pdf and the with Inkscape it was converted to DXF.
An HSLC 1410 Laser cutter was used.
Finally, the snake was assembled.