Arduino Pong

Posted on by Hunmin Koh×8-Led-Matrix-on-Arduino/

#include “TimerOne.h”

#define PIN_LEFT 18
#define PIN_RIGHT 19

unsigned int left = 0;
unsigned int right = 0;
int angle = 0;
int radians;

byte cols[8] = {13, 3, 4, 10, 6, 11, 15, 16};
byte rows[8] = {9, 14, 8, 12, 1, 7, 2, 5};
byte pins[16] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6};
byte screen[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
volatile byte screenRow = 0;
volatile byte screenCol = 0;

int _angle;
int _px;
int _py;
int _w = 7;
int _h = 7;
int _wall[] = {3, 3};
int _count = 0;
int _speed = 3;
int _countPoints = 0;

void setup() {
for (int i = 2; i <= 17; i++)
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);



void doubleBuffer() {
digitalWrite(translatePin(rows[screenRow]), HIGH);
digitalWrite(translatePin(cols[screenCol]), LOW);

if (screenCol >= 8) {
screenCol = 0;
if (screenRow >= 8) {
screenRow = 0;

if((screen[screenRow] >> screenCol) & B1 == B1) {
digitalWrite(translatePin(rows[screenRow]), LOW);
digitalWrite(translatePin(cols[screenCol]), HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(translatePin(rows[screenRow]), HIGH);
digitalWrite(translatePin(cols[screenCol]), LOW);

byte translatePin(byte original) {
return pins[original - 1];

void allOFF() {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
screen[i] = 0;

void on(byte row, byte column) {
screen[column-1] |= (B1 << (row – 1));

void off(byte row, byte column) {
screen[column-1] &= ~(B1 << (row – 1));

void calcWall()
left = analogRead(PIN_LEFT);
right = analogRead(PIN_RIGHT);
left = constrain(map(left, 223, 800, 0, 6), 0, 6);
right = constrain(map(right, 223, 800, 6, 0), 0, 6);


on(1, left + 1);
on(1, left + 2);
on(8, right + 1);
on(8, right + 2);

_wall[0] = left;
_wall[1] = right;

void clearWall()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
screen[i] &= B01111110;

void clearGame()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
screen[i] &= B10000001;

void loop() {

void enterFrameHandler()
if (_count++ < _speed)

_count = 0;

void retorted(int angle)
_angle = angle;

if (++_countPoints % 5 == 0 && _speed > 1)

void resetAnim()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
screen[i] = B11111111;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
screen[i] = B00000000;

void face()
on(1, 1);
on(1, 2);
on(2, 1);
on(2, 2);
on(7, 1);
on(7, 2);
on(8, 1);
on(8, 2);
on(1, 1);
on(1, 2);
on(4, 4);
on(4, 5);
on(5, 4);
on(5, 5);
on(2, 7);
on(7, 7);
on(3, 8);
on(4, 8);
on(5, 8);
on(6, 8);

void reset()

_px = random(3, 5);
_py = random(3, 5);
_angle = random(0, 2) == 0 ? 0 : 180;
_speed = 5;
_countPoints = 0;


void show()
on(_px + 1, _py + 1);

void checkCollision()
if (_px == _w – 1)
if (_angle == 315 || _angle == 0 || _angle == 45)
if (_py == _wall[1] || _py == _wall[1] + 1)
if (_angle == 0 && _py == _wall[1])
else if (_angle == 0 && _py == _wall[1] + 1)
else if (_angle == 45 && _py == _wall[1])
else if (_angle == 45 && _py == _wall[1] + 1)
else if (_angle == 315 && _py == _wall[1])
else if (_angle == 315 && _py == _wall[1] + 1)
else if (_px == 1)
if (_angle == 225 || _angle == 180 || _angle == 135)
if (_py == _wall[0] || _py == _wall[0] + 1)
if (_angle == 180 && _py == _wall[0])
else if (_angle == 180 && _py == _wall[0] + 1)
else if (_angle == 135 && _py == _wall[0])
else if (_angle == 135 && _py == _wall[0] + 1)
else if (_angle == 225 && _py == _wall[0])
else if (_angle == 225 && _py == _wall[0] + 1)

if (_px == _w)
else if (_px == 0)
else if (_py == _h)
if (_angle == 45)
_angle = 315;
else if (_angle == 135)
_angle = 225;
else if (_py == 0)
if (_angle == 225)
_angle = 135;
else if (_angle == 315)
_angle = 45;

void calcAngleIncrement()
if (_angle == 0 || _angle == 360)
_px += 1;
else if (_angle == 45)
_px += 1;
_py += 1;
else if (_angle == 135)
_px -= 1;
_py += 1;
else if (_angle == 180)
_px -= 1;
else if (_angle == 225)
_px -= 1;
_py -= 1;
else if (_angle == 315)
_px += 1;
_py -= 1;

Output Device – example : LED array

Posted on by Hunmin Koh

Interface and Application Programming

Posted on by Hunmin Koh


* Simple Read – Combined with Neil Gershenfeld’s
* adjusted values pulled from Neil’s python visualazition program to make sense of high and low readings.
* Read data from the serial port and change the smiley face.
* when the phototransistor connected to the hello light board is receiving
* varing levels of light.

import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;// Create object from Serial class
int val; // Data received from the serial port
int sensorData; // Data recieved from the serial port with 1,2,3,4 framing numbers filtered out
int highVal; //high value read in from Neil’s C code
int lowVal; //low value read in from Neil’s C code
int actualVal; // adjusted sensor value
PImage a; // Declare variable “a” of type PImage
PImage b;
PImage c;

void setup()
size(52, 52);
// I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac
// is always my FTDI adaptor, so I open Serial.list()[0].
// On Windows machines, this generally opens COM1.
// Open whatever port is the one you’re using.
String portName = Serial.list()[0];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);

a = loadImage(“0.gif”); // Load the image into the program
b = loadImage(“2.gif”);
c = loadImage(“1.gif”);

void draw()
if (myPort.available() > 0) { // If data is available
val =; // read it and store it in val
if (val > 4) { // Filter out the framing numbers: 1,2,3,4
highVal =; // read the high value sent from sensor and store it
lowVal =; // read low value from sensor it and store it
actualVal = 256 * (highVal + lowVal); // getting the actual value of the sensor
println(“The actualVal is ” + actualVal); //print to the screen
background(255); // Set background to white
//If you are not getting changes in the visualization in response to changes in the sensor
if (actualVal < 300) { // If the sensor value is less than a this number
image(a, 0, 0);
else if (actualVal > 1000) {
image(b, 0, 0);
else { // otherwise….
image(c, 0, 0);
rect(50, 50, 100, 100);

Chocolate Storm Troopers

Posted on by Hunmin Koh

Make Something Big : Rib Cage Light Stand

Posted on by Hunmin Koh

Tutorial : Using Cygwin and Mercurial in Windows with WordPress static HTML (for dummies)

Posted on by Hunmin Koh


To make mercurial working in Windows environment, you have to check few things while you’re installing Cygwin.

Find an article named Python in ‘Select Packages’ menu and click on circulating arrows marked in the picture above.

You can just type ‘python’ in the search window but NEVER PRESS ENTER AFTER TYPING IT! 

Pressing enter makes installation to continue before any change is made.

Then type ssh and click again. SSH(Secure Shell) is to encrypt data communication between two networked computers.

The installation takes about 20 minutes depending on the line speed.

In Barcelona, we decided use WordPress blog to create students’ page. To do this, you need to install a plug-in called ’WP Static HTML Output’, which generates exact copies of every file of your word press page on your hard drive.


It is important to write the correct web address in the Base Url.

In my case, It is ‘’

NOTE: Adding ‘/’ at the end of the address is crucial to have right copies when you upload it on MIT server. Many people had troubles in uploading their page because of this.

Click ‘Generate’ and download.


Mercurial uploading Mantra

Open Cygwin, go to the directory which you want to upload  in your hard drive (working directory).

Then type hg pull. It’s going to take a while.

1.hg pull

To download changed files from the server.

2.hg update

To synchronize the archive in your hard drive with the latest version you just downloaded with hg pull.

3.Copy your static HTML files to your folder in your hard drive. Overwrite everything.

Red circles mean that there’s discordance between… I don’t know. I’ll tell you later.

Anyway it’s not good.

not happy :(

4.hg add

To add new files for pushing. Otherwise images on your webpage won’t appear when uploaded

5.hg commit -m “message”

To make a log for your upload and apply , I usually type <hg commit -m ”hk”>. hk for Hunmin Koh.

Now it’s happy :)

6.hg push

To upload changes you made on the server.

Now we have an exact copy of wordpress blog in the archive.


1. If someone’s trying to upload at the same time with you, Mercurial will ask you whether you want to force your uploading. NEVER DO THIS unless you want to receive an angry email from Neil Gershenfeld. Doing this will create multiple heads in the archive thus make it dirty.

If you get this message, wait a little bit and try again from <hg pull>.

2. It’s better not to delete any files/folders in your working directory without using Cygwin. If you delete something, the Mercurial will find out when you type <hg update> and ask whether you want to ‘merge’ your version.

then you can type <hg merge> but It was a little bit tricky as far as I remember.

I’ll update this post as soon as I get more precise knowledge.

FABulous.Week 5 : Electronics Production

FABulous.Week 4 : Computer Controlled Cutting

FABulous.Week 3 : CAD

 On the 3rd week we learned about Computer Aided Design(CAD), the very basis of every fabrication process in Fab Lab.

 Neil introduced variety of free design tools. And I was busy with downloading and installing the software

 The assignment was to create a 3D model of each one’s final project.

 After the lecture, everybody had time to discuss what they were thinking for the final project. Actually I thought of something for the final project in Korea, but I wasn’t sure at the moment  whether it’s a good idea to make something like that for my final project in Fab Academy. Because it was


I won’t try to explain why this came up to my mind. But I was pretty sure that this could be electronics, embedded programming,  3D printing, networking and communications.

But there was one big problem remained in my mind. This is like a debut stage for my career in the Fab Lab Network and I might be referred as ‘The dildo guy’ forever.

But luckily, a better idea came across my mind when I was staring the world map on the  wall of Fab Lab. While attending Fab Academy’s global video lecture in Fab Lab BCN, I noticed a laser-cut world map on the wall with Fab Lab sites all over the world.


When I was in Sri Lanka, My parents used to call me 3 in the morning around  just to check whether I’m okay.  Same thing is happening these days after I came to Barcelona.  There are numerous ways to check time difference when you are going to make international calls, but maybe those thing do not apply to my parents…

Anastasha, Luciano, Jesus.

Anna is a sociologist Fab City Project.

After the meeting called me out for a talk. I was 25% scholarship but didn’t dare to ask

The offer was two things, first, Do a introductory tutorial about Solidworks on Friday

It is going to be a good chance to

Yeah! I’m going to be famous!

(By the way, there is a dance studio named ‘Fab Acadmy’ in Tokyo and the logo above is from their website. I think there might be a confusion someday.)

my former lecture materials from Sri Lanka.

Luciano suggested me to have a video tutorial

There was delay between my computer and



On Tuesday, I received and email from Roberto in Lima saying that my tutorial was very useful for him. Thanks Roberto! Your comment made me so happy that day :)


To be continued…

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FABulous.Week 2 : Mercurial

¡Hola a todos!

For the rest of the first week,  pretty much nothing happened. I dropped by to the lab few times to check what’s going on but pretty much nothing was going on either. So instead I signed up for a Spanish class and went house hunting. Finally I found a loft two blocks away from the school.

Home sweet home. 

 So once again it was Wednesday. Luckily nothing was happened to Neil so we could have him on the video today. Today’s lecture was about project management.  Especially about a software called Mercurial.

 ”Mercurial is a cross-platform, distributed revision control tool for software developers. It is mainly implemented using the Python programming language, but includes a binary diff implementation written in C. It is supported on Windows and Unix-like systems, such as FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Linux. Mercurial is primarily a command line program but graphical user interface extensions are available. All of Mercurial’s operations are invoked as arguments to its driver program hg, a reference to the chemical symbol of the element mercury.” Says Wikipedia.

 What I’ve understood so far is this. There is a server in MIT Center for Bits and Atoms where all the students upload their weekly progress. But in case of server failure or a problem in internet connection, we could lost all the data or are unable to check the previous progress. So the idea is make back up data in every participants’ hard disk drive every time they upload something.

original image

 But at the moment, it seemed quiet irrelevant to what we are supposed to learn in Fab Academy. Honestly, I didn’t pay much attention. And I couldn’t imagine the consequence that was about to happen to me…

From the left Rodrigo, Tomas, Santi, Blanca, Heloisa, Tomas (director), Nerea   

After the lecture, everybody briefly introduced oneself again. Total 9 people is participating in Barcelona this year.

To run Mercurial in Windows, you first need to install Cygwin. Cygwin is a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows(thank you again Wikipedia). I felt already smart to install something with commend line, so I even posted something like this on my Facebook. 

In Barcelona, we decided use WordPress blog to create student’s page. To do this, you need to install a plug-in called ’WP Static HTML Output’, which generates exact copies of every file in your word press page on your hard drive.

I touched html scripts a little bit to change frame size and add some links and widgets. And Tomas helped me a lot with Mercurial, but I still couldn’t totally understand how Mercurial works. 

The next Tuesday Anna sent an email saying all the students have to change their directories in archive. I wanted to prove myself that I can do it by myself. So I tried.

Me try Mercurial. Me try in me room. Me no happy. 

But it didn’t work. Error messages saying ‘something is colliding’ kept appeared.  Mercurial asked me whether I want to force upload. As a big fan of Star Wars, I said yes. But it didn’t work. So I forced again. Again. Again. Again. And gave up.

Then I got a new mail from Neil.

It was so embarrassing.

In fact, after being so motivated by his book, I tried to send emails to Neil several times. I still have 2 unsent emails in my mail box. And this is my first encounter with Neil after all those years? Oh come on…

Moreover, that morning I discovered I payed nearly 600 euros for commission when I exchanged traveler’s check to pay my rent. I felt like I was the dumbest  person in the world.

Tutorial : Using Cygwin and Mercurial in Windows with WordPress static HTML (for dummies)

Here is more detailed description of what possibly caused the problem that night. 

On the next day, I felt much better. ‘Nobody got hurt, data restored. It’s just a natural process of learning and nobody got hurt so no big problem.  At least now everybody got familiar with my Asian name(It takes time to memorize).’ And I headed to the lab imagining people’s reactions.

“Hey! I saw your name on the email last night!”

“Yeah… haha… I’m the most famous student for now.”


This time each student had 1 minute to introduce oneself. I was quiet relieved when I heard someone saying “Sorry for messing up with the server last night” over the video. Apparently I wasn’t the only person.

Now It was my turn and I started with the same thing. “I also want to apologize for what happened last night…”

Then Neil interrupted. “You don’t have to apologize. Just learn.”

Yeap, right. That’s why we are all here for.

To be continued…

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