The assignment for this week is to scan something, modify and print it with 3D printer. I made to exercices with diferents machines.
The first one is with the MakerBot and yhe second with de Fab@home.
3D scan - 123D Catch
123D Cath
Basically, this program uses photos taken by a standard camera to create an object in three dimensions. You can download from here
This program is only available for windows!! In future versions will be available for Mac too
-Tries to do a lot of pictures from all angles possible.
-Do not make sudden jumps between photos
-Uses reference objects
I Selected the machine in the menu - Machine/Machine type/Cupcake
I moved, scaled, and rotated the object until the desired size
Then i generated the G-Code. You can choose differnets settings:
-Base profile: SF35-cupcake.HBP
-Use Raft
-None support material
-The other settings i used by default
Finally in control panel i defined the target temperature (220C) and the platform targed temp (130C). And i set manually the extruder to (0,0,0)
-First attempt: It didn't work because, i dond't know why...
-Second attempt: I forgot to leave enough material and finally the extruder ran out of material.
-Third attempt: all ok.
Final results
3D printer - Fab@home
Heloisa Neves, my coleague at Fab Academy and I decided to use the Fab@Home for this assignment. The objective was to scan a pice of cholocolat and printed with chocolat too.
But we had many problems from the start.
I'll just count the steps we take very schematically. If you want to know more,
Helosia documented the whole process super well on his website.