FabLab Academy 2012

Manchester Lab

David Forgham-Bailey

Week  14: mechanical design

This week's task was to build a machine - as a team.

We wanted to make a machine which would be useful for the Manchester FabLab.

Since there is no 3D scanner - we looked for examples which could be used as a template, which we would modify the designs and programming.

We found an affordable tabletop 3D Laser scanner - The FabScan

This could easily be made within the time allocated and the designs modified - to incorporate a more robust chassis, self manufactured electronics, and upgraded programming.

This was a golden opportunity to try out Project Management software - Ganttproject

Fabscan Project plan

We set up a Google Group - communicated through Skype - IM, and email.

We will be manufacturing the chassis using 12mm MDF and designing the joint to be snapfit.
We plan to redesign the electronics boards based on the stepper controllers and interface boards here.

In the meantime, to demonstrate the operation of the modified FabScan3D, an Arduino will control the two stepper motors and laser. Arduino routine here: