1 / Building an HTML webpage :
This assignement consists in building a webpage and to upload it on the CBA server. Like every student, I will update each page of this website with new material all along the Fab Academy program.
I had never made any website before this one and it's a great experience to use html code. My previous experience in webpages was limited to the maintenance of my wordpress blog, but, even if wordpress is a great tool, you can't really build a nice interface if you can't write html or css. So, I choose not to use any pre-made website to understand the building process of a webpage. As you will see, the navigation here is simple. You can use the small FAB logo on the tops and bottoms of each week-page to go back to the index easily.
I use Dreamweaver CS5 to make this webpage. It is pretty fun to start using it from scratch and to see what happens. I wanted my fab academy webpage to look like a kind of neo/arcade/8 bit interface. This pages are hosted on the MIT/CBA server. I resize the images with Photoshop CS5 (from .psd to .png), the videos with After Effects CS5 and MPEG Streamclip. Every image content is 200 px high. The videos are compressed (H264) and hosted on a Youtube account. Click on the images below.
1 / 2 / Video compression and HTML video integration :
Video convertion and compression are not difficult to make when you have a little experience of it (and I do have one). Here, I used After Effects CS5. I made a new composition with the correct settings (image size, time, image ratio, proper name, format, etc.) and then I rendered it by selecting the correct rendering settings. For the video of those webpages, I used the H264 format, the image ratio is 16:9, the image size is 960 px x 540 px. I've added a text layer into each video to make them easily recognizable. The labels look like that : FAB ACADEMY 2012 / PROVIDENCE / HELLO LIGHT BOARD / RDV.
Obviously, I didn't host the videos on the MIT server. They were uploaded on my Youtube account, from where I caught the embeded code I pasted into my webpages. It's light and you can have big videos on your website if you want. I finally decided to reduce them to 200 px x 300 px. But the quality is very good so that you can watch them in full screen.
1 / 3 / Converting and resizing pictures to png for a website :
For this task I made a Action in Photshop CS5. This is obviously faster. You push the play button from the Action dialog box. You give it a name like "fab academy website image resizing". You execute the process with on of your images (resizing, saving as png into the proper folder, close the file, etc) and you press stop on the Action dialog box. That's it, you have an action. Now you open a new image, you select the action you want, you push play, and it's done.
For this webpage, excepting the big pictures of this page, all the pictures were saved as 200px heigh x 300px width. In Photoshop CS5, you go to file. Then you go to save for web and devices and you resize the picture. Or if you want to do it manualy, you go to > file > Save for web and devices > and you change the size (pic on the right).
1 / 4 / Hosting big images on a blog :
If you don't want your website to be too to busy, you can host your pictures on another website and insert a link to it.
At the beginning of the class I hosted all my images on a clone of this webpage on a wordpress blog. I stopped using it quickly because it was multiplicating the documentation work by 2. Here are 1 picture of the fab academy wordpress clone of mine and 2 pictures of my art webpage showing the front page and the statistics page.
2 / Uploading a webpage on a server with Mercurial :
Mercurial is the Software Configuration Management (SCM) the Fab Academy members use to upload their webpages on the cba.mit.edu server. Project Management software like Mercurial are obviously much more than just allowing you to upload data on a server. They allow all fab academy members in the world to access and share intern informations on the same server, where ever they are.It has been very hard for me to understand the process chain of mercurial, probably because I was thinking this process as a closed protocol you just have to follow and wich would be the same all the time. But it's not. Mercurial is made to share information with peoples who are updating their webpages all the time, like I do. It is much more organic and "interactive" than what I thought because Mercurial is actually advising you to operate some commands. Since I understood that, I have been able to upload my website without making any error.
I used Snapshot to record myself uploading new html pages via Mercurial. This video is not a tutorial and was made at the beginning of the program with Anna's help. It's for documentation.If you are searching for a french version of a Mercurial tutorial, click on the link below. If you want to see how a successfull upload of a webpage with Mercurial looks like, have a look on the 2 Terminal window copies below. Each bold line corresponds to the steps you should follow to upload your data. The first line of text below starts with the command "cd Desktop" because my "academy.2012" folder is on my desktop. It could be anywhere else but it's easer for me to have it on my Desk.
MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:~ romaindivozzo$ cd Desktop MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:Desktop romaindivozzo$ ls ÉPISTEMOLOGIE DE LA COMPLEXITE ET ART CONTEMPORAIN.pdf 3000_visiteurs_wordpress.tiff Applications Commerces Desktop Documents Downloads Future Génération Prize Library Movies Music Newsletter_N-1 Pictures Public SPEAP_2012-2013 StepUP-2012-application.pdf art_applications_2012 chouchou discursive_remanence_chess_board_ouvert.ai electronicboooks fab_academy_mit_romain french_american_funds_nars_foundation historyofstandar00tarbuoft.pdf homebox juliette_succession projets_artistiques_resources_a_realiser terminal_song_leo_ferre_goemonts_.rtf MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:~ romaindivozzo$ cd academy.2012 MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg pull MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg add ajout de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/fab_academy_webpages_images/6_fab_academy_hello_board_video_romain.png ajout de 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removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_19.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_2.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_20.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_21.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_22.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_23.png: file still 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removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_8.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/15_Electronics_Production_files/stroke_9.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big.xml: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_10.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_11.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_12.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_13.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_14.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_15.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_2.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_5.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_8.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/28_Build_Something_Big_files/stroke_9.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design.xml: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design_files/ff3.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design_files/ff4.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design_files/fridge friend.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design_files/fridge friend_1.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design_files/shapeimage_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/7_Computer_Aided_Design_files/shapeimage_2.jpg: file still exists (use 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Kit.svg.zip: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/9_Computer_Controlled_Cutting_files/Screen Shot 2012-02-09 at 8.32.20 AM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/9_Computer_Controlled_Cutting_files/Screen Shot 2012-02-09 at 8.35.08 AM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/9_Computer_Controlled_Cutting_files/shapeimage_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/9_Computer_Controlled_Cutting_files/shapeimage_2.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/2/9_Computer_Controlled_Cutting_files/shapeimage_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not 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force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/19_Embedded_Programming_files/shapeimage_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/19_Embedded_Programming_files/shapeimage_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning.xml: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning.css: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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-f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/Mod_background.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/Mod_footer_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/Mod_menu_bar.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/Mod_menu_bar_1.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/Mod_page_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_14.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_15.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_2.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_5.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_8.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/26_3D_Printing_and_Scanning_files/stroke_9.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design.xml: file still exists 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not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/Micro Cut out.png.zip: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/Mod_background.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/Mod_footer_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/Mod_menu_bar.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/Mod_menu_bar_1.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/Mod_page_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/shapeimage_1.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/shapeimage_2.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/shapeimage_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/shapeimage_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/shapeimage_5.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/shapeimage_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/shapeimage_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_10.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_11.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_12.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_13.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_14.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_15.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_16.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_17.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_18.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_19.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_2.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_20.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_21.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_22.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_23.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_5.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_8.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/3/6_Electronics_Design_files/stroke_9.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming.xml: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming.css: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming.js: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/10_Interface_and_Application_ProgrammingIE.css: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/10_Interface_and_Application_ProgrammingMoz.css: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Mod_background.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Mod_footer_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Mod_menu_bar.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Mod_menu_bar_1.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Mod_page_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Screen Shot 2012-04-09 at 5.47.09 PM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Screen Shot 2012-04-09 at 5.48.08 PM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Screen Shot 2012-04-09 at 5.48.27 PM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Screen Shot 2012-04-09 at 5.50.16 PM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Screen Shot 2012-04-09 at 5.50.29 PM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/Screen Shot 2012-04-10 at 10.45.48 AM.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/shapeimage_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/shapeimage_2.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/shapeimage_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/shapeimage_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke_2.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke_5.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/10_Interface_and_Application_Programming_files/stroke_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/Mod_page_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/shapeimage_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/shapeimage_2.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/shapeimage_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/shapeimage_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/shapeimage_5.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/shapeimage_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/shapeimage_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke_2.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke_3.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke_4.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke_5.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke_6.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/16_Output_Devices_files/stroke_7.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices.xml: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/2_Input_Devices.css: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/2_Input_Devices.js: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/2_Input_DevicesIE.css: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/2_Input_DevicesMoz.css: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/IMG_1505.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/IMG_1514.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/Mod_background.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/Mod_footer_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/Mod_menu_bar.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/Mod_menu_bar_1.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/Mod_page_bg.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/best.joshua/Fab_Academy_2012/Projects/Entries/2012/4/2_Input_Devices_files/shapeimage_1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/04.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/05.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/06.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/07.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/08.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/09.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/10.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/11.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/garrido.roxana/imagenes/ED/11.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not 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-f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/index.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/main.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/morse.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/morse.h: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/uart.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/uart.h: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/uart.lst: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/embedded_programming/uart.o: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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(use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/input_devices/main.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/input_devices/utils.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/input_devices/utils.h: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/Makefile: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/font.ttf: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/index.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/index.html~: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/main.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/Makefile: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/ds1624.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/ds1624.h: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/i2c_sw.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/i2c_sw.h: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/main.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/uart.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/uart.h: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/utils.c: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/msp430/utils.h: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/openhab-mainboard.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/term-1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/interface_application_programming/termometer.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/pello.david/classes/molding_casting_composites/index.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not 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removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/guestbook.php: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/header.php: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/images/luisguillemro.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/imsearch.php: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/imsitemap.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/index.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/index.php: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/input-devices.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/interface-and-application-programming.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing 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to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/computer-aided-design.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/computer-aided-design_h.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/computer-controlled-cutting.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/computer-controlled-cutting_h.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/computer-controlled-machining.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/computer-controlled-machining_h.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/data-1.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/sanchez.luis/admin/menu/data-1_h.png: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not 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Web/students/young.matthew/images/interfaceandappprogramming.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/images/ispdocumentationforweb.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/images/kineticsigncadweb.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/images/kineticsignweb.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/images/makesomethingbigdocumentation.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/images/moldingandcastingforweb.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/images/speedsterdescriptionweb.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/images/titlepageweb.jpg: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/students/young.matthew/index.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) not removing Web/videos/index.html: file still exists (use -f to force removal) suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/10_modelling_molding_casting_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/1_statement.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/2_vinyl_cutter_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/3_laser-cutter_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/3d_printing_first_try. First Try..html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/4_press-kit_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/5_3d_printing_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/6_modela_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/7_fabisp_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/8_shopbot_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/9_hello_board_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/circuit_board_components_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/laser-cutter_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/milling_machine_first_circuit_board.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/press-kit_first_try.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/statement.html suppression de Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/vinyl_cutter_first_try.html MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg status M Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/index.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/fab_academy_webpages_images/6_fab_academy_hello_board_video_romain.png A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/fab_academy_webpages_images/7_fab_academy_hello_board_rgb_romain.png A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/fab_academy_webpages_images/Photo-du-17-04-12-à-22.png A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/romain_di_vozzo_statement_and_final_project.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_10_fab_academy_3d_scanning_and_printing_march_21.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_11_fab_academy_input_devices_march_28.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_12_fab_academy_interface_and_application_programming_apr_4.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_13_fab_academy_output_devices_apr_11.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_14_fab_academy_mechanical_design_apr_18.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_15_fab_academy_networking_and_communication_apr_25.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_16_fab_academy_machine_design_may_2.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_17_fab_academy_applications_and_implications_may_9.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_18_fab_academy_invention_intellectual_property_and_business_models_may_16.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_19_fab_academy_project_development_may_23.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_1_fab_academy_principles_and_practices_jan_18.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_20_fab_academy_final_project_presentation_may_30.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_2_fab_academy_project_management_jan_25.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_3_fab_academy_computer_aided_design_feb_1.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_4_fab_academy_computer_controlled_cutting_feb_8.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_5_fab_academy_electronics_production_feb_15.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_6_fab_academy_computer_controlled_machining_feb_22.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_7_fab_academy_electronics_design_feb_29.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_8_fab_academy_molding_and_casting_composites_march_7.html A Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/week_9_fab_academy_embedded_programming_march_14.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/10_modelling_molding_casting_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/1_statement.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/2_vinyl_cutter_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/3_laser-cutter_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/3d_printing_first_try. First Try..html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/4_press-kit_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/5_3d_printing_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/6_modela_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/7_fabisp_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/8_shopbot_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/9_hello_board_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/circuit_board_components_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/laser-cutter_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/milling_machine_first_circuit_board.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/press-kit_first_try.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/statement.html R Web/students/di_vozzo.romain/vinyl_cutter_first_try.html MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg commit -m "updating website" MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg status MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg pull remote: key_read: uudecode AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq/DocGaGRNYDD6MJcaJT1jCs3uYl$ remote: failed remote: key_read: uudecode AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq/DocGaGRNYDD6MJcaJT1jCs3uYl$ remote: failed pulling from ssh://hg@fab.cba.mit.edu/academy.2012 searching for changes aucun changement trouvé MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg push pushing to ssh://hg@fab.cba.mit.edu/academy.2012 remote: key_read: uudecode AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq/DocGaGRNYDD6MJcaJT1jCs3uYl$ remote: failed remote: key_read: uudecode AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq/DocGaGRNYDD6MJcaJT1jCs3uYl$ remote: failed searching for changes remote: adding changesets remote: adding manifests remote: adding file changes remote: added 1 changesets with 25 changes to 25 files remote: 25 files updated, 0 files merged, 17 files removed, 0 files unresolved MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg heads changeset: 1808:31f6991f76ba tag: tip user: Romain di vozzodate: Thu Apr 19 18:47:12 2012 -0400 summary: updating website MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$
If several people are uploading data at the same time, you can see several "heads" appearing at the end of the uploading process. In case of multiple heads presence on the server, you copy the first numbers of the changeset line of the first head (In the example below, the first numbers are 2449). You open a new command line. You type "hg merge" and you paste the number (here, this is 2449) and hit "ENTER". This should merge the head. And you repeat the same command with the next heads if there are some :
MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg heads changeset: 2449:96fb92c513e0 tag: tip parent: 2134:6db6e5c0d3ef parent: 2448:944f991b52da user: romain di vozzodate: Mon Jun 25 20:16:39 2012 -0400 summary: update website changeset: 1971:4795ff07f3f4 branch: merge user: Aysheshim date: Tue May 01 08:55:16 2012 +0300 summary: modifying MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg merge 2449 abandon : merging with a working directory ancestor has no effect MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg merge 1971 abandon : merging with a working directory ancestor has no effect MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg heads changeset: 2449:96fb92c513e0 tag: tip parent: 2134:6db6e5c0d3ef parent: 2448:944f991b52da user: romain di vozzo date: Mon Jun 25 20:16:39 2012 -0400 summary: update website changeset: 1971:4795ff07f3f4 branch: merge user: Aysheshim date: Tue May 01 08:55:16 2012 +0300 summary: modifying MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg merge 2134 abandon : merging with a working directory ancestor has no effect MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg merge 2448 abandon : merging with a working directory ancestor has no effect MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg merge 2449 abandon : merging with a working directory ancestor has no effect MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg merge 1971 abandon : merging with a working directory ancestor has no effect MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg commit "updating website" abandon : updating website: No such file or directory MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg heads changeset: 2449:96fb92c513e0 tag: tip parent: 2134:6db6e5c0d3ef parent: 2448:944f991b52da user: romain di vozzo date: Mon Jun 25 20:16:39 2012 -0400 summary: update website changeset: 1971:4795ff07f3f4 branch: merge user: Aysheshim date: Tue May 01 08:55:16 2012 +0300 summary: modifying MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg heads changeset: 2449:96fb92c513e0 tag: tip parent: 2134:6db6e5c0d3ef parent: 2448:944f991b52da user: romain di vozzo date: Mon Jun 25 20:16:39 2012 -0400 summary: update website changeset: 1971:4795ff07f3f4 branch: merge user: Aysheshim date: Tue May 01 08:55:16 2012 +0300 summary: modifying MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg merge 1971 abandon : merging with a working directory ancestor has no effect MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg status MacBook-Pro-de-ROMAIN:academy.2012 romaindivozzo$ hg heads changeset: 2449:96fb92c513e0 tag: tip parent: 2134:6db6e5c0d3ef parent: 2448:944f991b52da user: romain di vozzo date: Mon Jun 25 20:16:39 2012 -0400 summary: update website changeset: 1971:4795ff07f3f4 branch: merge user: Aysheshim date: Tue May 01 08:55:16 2012 +0300 summary: modifying The list below shows the commands you can execute in Terminal (mac) to control Mercurial. To access this list from Mercurial type "hg help".
liste des commandes : add add the specified files on the next commit addremove add all new files, delete all missing files annotate show changeset information by line for each file archive create an unversioned archive of a repository revision backout reverse effect of earlier changeset bisect recherche de "changesets" par dichotomie bookmarks track a line of development with movable markers branch set or show the current branch name branches list repository named branches bundle create a changegroup file cat output the current or given revision of files clone make a copy of an existing repository commit commit the specified files or all outstanding changes copy mark files as copied for the next commit diff diff repository (or selected files) export dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets forget forget the specified files on the next commit graft copy changes from other branches onto the current branch grep search for a pattern in specified files and revisions heads show current repository heads or show branch heads help show help for a given topic or a help overview identify identify the working copy or specified revision import import an ordered set of patches incoming show new changesets found in source init create a new repository in the given directory locate locate files matching specific patterns log show revision history of entire repository or files manifest output the current or given revision of the project manifest merge merge working directory with another revision outgoing show changesets not found in the destination parents show the parents of the working directory or revision paths show aliases for remote repositories phase set or show the current phase name pull pull changes from the specified source push push changes to the specified destination recover roll back an interrupted transaction remove remove the specified files on the next commit rename rename files; equivalent of copy + remove resolve redo merges or set/view the merge status of files revert restore files to their checkout state rollback roll back the last transaction (dangerous) root print the root (top) of the current working directory serve start stand-alone webserver showconfig show combined config settings from all hgrc files status show changed files in the working directory summary summarize working directory state tag add one or more tags for the current or given revision tags list repository tags tip show the tip revision unbundle apply one or more changegroup files update update working directory (or switch revisions) verify verify the integrity of the repository version output version and copyright information
2 / Measure Wi-Fi strength :
Sometimes you just stay stuck with your internet connection because your Wi-Fi signal is too low, especially at the lab. But you are never sure of what makes your computer or your browser slow. Here is a usefull EMACS trick you can paste into a Terminal window : /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I. If you want to know a little more, push the putton !
3 / Building a visual identity :
Project Management can also mean giving a visual identity to a new fablab. I worked on re-designing the fab academy logo on Photoshop CS5. I inflated it by using effects (bevels, stroke, shadows,etc), I positionned the letters and I changed the colors. I also made a pattern from it so as to obtain new textures. Indeed, I drew it the same way I would follow to make an oil painting.
4 / EMACS :
I also played with the UNIX language and emacs. I tried almost every fun stuff from the ASCII STAR WARS to making my MacBook Pro sing.
Open Terminal. Paste telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl and hit ENTER. This is Lucas's movie.
This is the banner maker on MAC. Go to Terminal. write emacs and hit ENTER. Then push simultaniously esc and x. The command M-x appears in blue at the bottom of the Terminal window. Right after M-x, you hit space one time and write banner and you it ENTER again. That's it !
Same process. Write emacs, hit ENTER. Then press esc and x simultaniously, hit space once, write pong and hit ENTER.
Open Terminal. write cal and hit ENTER.
Open Terminal. Write bc and hit ENTER. Use * for multiplication. Use / for division. Use - for substraction. Use + for addition. Hit ENTER to obtain the total.