Initial thoughts of our final project at the Fab Academy

project development

Rendering from projection of lines on an object (a ball in this example):

Projection of horizontal lines on an objectProjection of vertical lines on an object

(You can find the Blender files that I used to make the rendering here, as well the STL files)

See here my animation from photoshop:




Subject: 3D scanner to make your own bust. (Note: we havent figured out yet how to create a real bust from a 3D image that we acquire from this scanner.)


How to make a three 3D-scanner?

Method: structured light with visible light source (no laser light source)

See here my animation in google sketch-up:
animation google sketch-up


Materials needed:

- 5 Projectors

- 5 Webcams

- 5 slides with lines to be projected

- Laptop/PC

- Electronic stuff


Questions to answer:

General: whats the maximum resolution we can get with this structured light scanner?


1.    What is the most ideal width of the stripes in the projector to be projected on the subject?

2.    How can we control the projectors by computer and how to turn them on and off?


1.    Is it possible to take snapshot images from five webcams at the same time?


1.    How to convert 2D image with structured light to 3D image?

2.    How to stitch these 3D images together?

3.    Which 3D file format to use?

4.    How to make a tool path file from this 3D image result?


1.    How to calibrate the projectors and cameras with a known object? E.g. a ball with a known diameter.


2.    How to make a photo box to take the images of the person and to house the cameras and the projectors?

Optional ideas

- Mobile design to move the housing easily between places.

- USB output to retrieve the 3D image result file or via Bluetooth/wifi (note; we have to solve the problem to secure the channel)

- The result can be uploaded to a website and the link will be shown in QR-code on the screen.

- Touch screen to show the result.



Pico projector

Laser pointer with a cylindrical lens

Open source 3D scanner fab moments

Beam 3D scanner with webcam

Bellendorf P., The digitalisation of metal objects with structured light 3D scanner
Wachowiak Melvin J. and Karas, Basiliki Vicky, 3D scanning and replication for museum and cultural heritage applications
Structured Lighting for 3D scanning (check handout)
<<<<<<< local An article on calibration
======= Song Zhang and Peisen S. Huang Novel method for structured light system calibration (an article on calibration)
>>>>>>> other

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