Neil's assignment for this week: Major tasks for this week: Personal notes (Google Doc)

Brandon's Slideshow

Setting up Git

The Fab Academy tutorial GIT Simple Cheat Sheet outlines the basic steps, but things worked out differently for me because I've previously been an assistant instructor for Fab Academy, so I have two accounts. I wrestled with how to merge them, but in the end decided to keep them separate. In particular I ran into trouble with trying to use the same SSH key for two different Gitlab accounts ("Fingerprint sha256 has already been taken"), so I created new keys for this class. Git setup steps:
  1. Install GITon my Windows computer (already done, I've used GIT before):
  2. Configure GIT with my name and other info (already done)
    $ git config --global "Jason Goodman"
  3. git config --global “”
  4. Create a new SSH key for my student account without destroying my old one:
    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f fab_student_rsa -C "[my email] Fab Student Key"
  5. Add the public key to Gitlab (account icon, Edit Profile, SSH Keys, paste in contents of
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for my laptop so I can use either
  7. Clone Fab Academy website repo:
    $ git clone

HTML Editing

I decided to learn a new IDE for this class, I chose Microsoft Visual Studio Code. To view my web pages locally, I'm just opening a local copy of the page in my web browser and refreshing constantly. My HTML is rusty (I haven't written any since the late 1990s), so it's good to learn CSS and stuff writing it out by hand.

VS Code has source control built in, so I can commit changes to Gitlab by using the "Source Control" button on the left. I did practice the manual command-line steps outlined in my chosen GIT tutorial (git add, commit, pull, push, merge, etc.)

Another nice feature of VS Code I discovered: it has a color picker built into the text editor!

VS Code source control
Source control in VS Code
VS Code color picker
Color picker in VS Code

A source for open-source icons: Bootstrap Icons. Apparently you can use this as a font or something, but I just downloaded an SVG or two.

Cute CSS Stunts

I learned a lot about CSS while writing this page. Here's a summary of some core ideas and tricks and tips. In general, if you want to add style attributes to a built-in html tag <foo>, you add a section to your .css file that says
    attribute: value;
A complete tutorial for CSS stuff with lists of attributes is at W3schools.

You can also create your own "class" of object and add styles to it like this:

      attribute: value;
and then in your HTML file, give an object that style by doing <foo class="myclass">.

Images on right side of window, with wrap-around text:

    max-width: 30%;
    padding: 10px;
Centered content:
  .centered {
    display: block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 50%;
Divs with different color background and rounded corners:
  .code-div {
    background-color: rgb(133, 99, 151);
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    border-radius: 10px;
Aligning images side-by-side: kinda messy, full instructions at W3 Schools.

Miscellaneous Stuff I Learned

Images and Compression

Instructor Brandon Witter provided some suggestions on minimizing file sizes in images. In particular he recommended TinyPNG for image compression, and Freeconvert for video conversion and compression. I also installed ImageMagick on my PC. A couple of quick commands for converting screenshots to jpg:
magick .\final-board-subtract.png .\final-board-subtract.jpg
magick .\final-board-subtract.png -resize 800x600\> .\final-board-subtract-resize.jpg
magick mogrify -format jpg *.png
The second command resizes the image to "no bigger than 800x600", but will not grow small images. The third converts an entire folder, but unfortunately you can't use -resize with it. All the images so far on this page and the final project page are under 35 kb. I tried to figure out a way to get git to tell you the size, in bytes, of a commit before you push it to the server, it looks like it might be possible but it's really ugly. I'll just be careful.

VS Code Python setup

I need to do some preliminary testing of scipy's nonlinear optimization stuff to make sure the math side of my final project idea is feasible. This page provides instructions for setting up Python in VS Code. Steps:
  1. Install Python extension for VS Code by clicking on the Extensions icon on the right.
  2. Install Python (already done)
  3. Start VS code in the desired workspace folder: code .
  4. Select a Python interpreter: Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), "Python: Select Interpreter"
  5. Start a REPL: command palette (ctrl-shift-p), "Python: Start REPL"

SciPy setup: py -m pip install SciPy


I need to write mathematical equations on my web pages. Apparently the best way to do that is using MathJax. To set that up, add to the head of the page:
  <script src=""></script>
  <script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>

Then you can use standard LaTeX in the HTML apparently. For example, typing \\(\sqrt{5}\\) gives \(\sqrt{5}\), and typing \$$\int^3_0 x^2 dx = 9\$$ gives $$\int^3_0 x^2 dx = 9$$