Project development

Week 18 - Documentation

For this week I need to track my final project's development.

I have one week left to present my project and there are a few things to do to have it done and ready to show. I'm applying documenting as I go and the Pareto principle with the 80-20 rule for time management.

Week 2

In this week I made a simple design on how I would like the hands to be.


Week 3

In this Week I made a design based on laser cutting.


Week 4

I designed a compact hand following my own hand dimensions and did a first functioning prototype.


Week 13

I used Wi-Fi to control the pianonator fingers.

Week 17 & 18

I focused these past weeks in redesigning the hand, creating the electronic circuit, and making the system integration of the project.


Project Development Checklist

• What tasks have been completed?

R= The design and building of the hand is done, as well as the electronic circuit.

• What tasks remain?

R= The system integration, programming, and tests.

• What has worked? What hasn't?

R = The hand is working well, but the design process was a difficult task. It took me most of the time to get to a design I was comfortable. The issue was mainly on how to get it compact and easy to manufacture, but finally I got to a good design. What hasn't really worked are the servomotors I chose for the design, they don´t have the enough torque to press the keys, so I'm planning to use some mechanisms to make it work, rather than redesigning the structure.

• What questions need to be resolved?

R= How I'm going to make the servo motors press the keys and what song will it play?

• What will happen when?

R= The question made before will be answered next week before the project presentation.

• What have I learned?

R= I have learned to manage my time accordingly to the needs of the project. I think I did a good job in starting the project since week 2, because I could not have done so much in a short period.