Applications and Implications

  Final Project Proposal: The Mini-ful MIDI

The Mini-ful MIDI is a 12-key MIDI controller that emulates standard piano based MIDIs. The idea behind this is to design a simple, barebones modular design that can be easily expanded upon, customized and easily recreatable by others. Potentially, in the future, multiple Mini-ful MIDIs can be "combined" or attached to one another to create a larger keyboard. Each Mini-ful MIDI will cover one octave, and adding more can increase your octave ranges. This should hopefully be a great way to get people to try making their MIDI controllers one step at a time, without having to worry about the size, price and time complexities of a larger project. Ideally, this project should be used as a base and expanded upon to make more interesting and complex projects.

Sources of Inspiration (What's been done before)

MIDI controllers are not instruments, as they don't make their own sounds. Instead, it must be connected to a computer with a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) installed such as Apple Logic. The controller then tells the DAW which note is being played, and the DAW will play that note on synthetic, digital instruments. At its heart, a MIDI controller is a box with buttons and knobs connected to a controller which tells the DAW what to do.

What's in the Mini-ful MIDI?

This MIDI controller consists of 2 main electronic components:

- The main controller, which communicates MIDI commands via USB-C

- 12 key controllers, which handle receiving inputs and communicating which keys are pressed to the main controller via I2C

Technical and Hardware Specs:

  • Seeed RP2040 XIAO based Processor Board
  • ATTiny412 based key controller boards
  • Acrylic Support Plates
  • Piezo-electric velocity sensors
  • USB-C Based Connector
  • 3D Printed (PLA) structure brackets and piano keys

Bill of Materials

What parts and systems will be made?

The base structure of the Miniful-MIDI is constructed out of laser-cut 1/8" acrylic sheets, and 3D printed PLA support bracket corner pieces to hold it all together. This makes resizing the design for a variety of layouts easy (editing the vector file) without the need to 3D print new brackets. I wanted to minimize the amount that needs to be printed, as it will only take approximately 45 minutes to print and cut out all the parts needed for the enclosure (assuming you can use the laser cutter while printing the corners).
Keyboard Key
Main Controller

What processes will be used?

Manufacturing Process Project Component
Laser CutterFaceplate
PCB MillCircuit Boards
Button Mold
Molding and CastingButtons
3D Printing and DesignEnclosure, Buttons(design)
Vinyl CutterSignature Sticker

What questions need to be answered?

Quality of sound Noise in Circuit Power Sufficiency

How will it be evaluated?

Sound test w/ sine wave Oscilloscope test w/ sine wave Sound test w/ guitar Sound output as MIDI or Analog to USB

What are the implications and applications?



The Mini-ful MIDI..... Included Topics: 2D and 3D design -- 2D: structure plates -- 3D: support bars, piano keys Additive and subtractive fabrication processes -- Laser cut structure plates -- 3D printed keys and support beams Electronics design and production -- Piano key controllers (i2c nodes) -- Main controller (gets various readings from keys) Embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming -- Quick to manufacture and replace -- Expandable functionality System integration and packaging. -- modularity -- scalable -- recreatable with a variethy of methodologies Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project. Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable. See Final Project Requirements for a complete list of requirements you must fulfil. The answers to the questions below will allow you to create your BOM (Bill Of Materials). What does it do? -- audio input 24-bit studio resolution, to usb. Edit waves and visualize them.