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2. Project management

Configuring my PC to start the documentation

1.- In order to start the course, some programs must be installed and configured on the PC.

2.- First in the mail we receive the accesses, so we create the access for, according to the indications.

3.- With that account we can access the GIT repository (Fabcloud), with the link we have in the mail. On the PC where we are going to work, we install:





4.- We clone the repository and work on it on our PC.

5.- We upload our modifications.

Important commands for GIT

• $ git status (repository status – modifications).

• $ git add . (add new files).

• $ git commit -m “Name” (Version management).

• $ git push origin master (Push to your FabCloud repository).


Installing GIT for Windows

  1. Go to and download the installer
  2. The file is executed
  3. It is installed, following the instructions on the screens

Configuring GIT

  1. GIT BASH is executed
  2. The user is configured, writing in the console
    git config –global “roberto alvarado”
  3. The user is configured, writing in the console
    git config –global “”
  4. Open a console as administrator and type: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C “PC 01”
  5. Once the key is generated, you will have a .ssh file on your PC
  6. We open it with a notepad
  7. It is copied, pasted in the Repository and the key is created
  8. You can view it once created


  1. Go to and download the installer
  2. The file is executed
  3. It is installed, following the instructions on the screens
  4. Python is executed
  5. And in the console to install pip write: python
  6. Done


  1. In Python you write: pip install mkdocs
  2. Done


  1. Go to and download the installer
  2. The file is executed
  3. It is installed following the instructions on the screens
  4. Done

Repository Cloning

  1. We open Git Bash as administrator
  2. We enter our repository and clone it, using the URL with SSH
  3. In the Git Bash console type: git clone !
  4. Done

Uploading files to the repository - Updates

  1. To see your modifications in Git Bash console type: git status
  2. To add files in Git Bash console type: git add .
  3. To upload the versions in Git Bash console type: git commit -m “version”
  4. To push to the repository in Git Bash console type: git push origin master
  5. Done

Last update: June 4, 2022