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3. Computer controlled cutting

Weekly Summary

  • Checking parameter of laser cutter
  • Parametric kit design in Fusion
  • How to use Vinyl cutter


  • group assignment:
  • characterize your lasercutter’s focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, joint clearance and types
  • individual assignment:
  • cut something on the vinylcutter
  • design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, accounting for the lasercutter kerf, which can be assembled in multiple ways, and for extra credit include elements that aren’t flat

Kamakura Group Assignment Week03

Individual Assignment

Parametric Design Kit

First of all, we tried to find out the kerf for 3mm cardboard in Group assignment.

And 2.65mm is narrowest joint clearance for it.

We can made a expression for kerf as follow;


We select the parameter of laser cutter as follow;

Power : 28

Speed : 1

Hz : 1000

I also tried cutting with another parameter (P : 20 S : 0.6 Hz : 1000).

But Kerf is same 0.35mm.

I started creating the data in Fusion360.

Open New File on Fusion360, and setting the parameters.

MODIFY > Change Parameters

Press “+” next of User Parameters.

Add “Name” and“Expression” > OK

I added several parameters.

dia : 60mm

radius : dia/2

tick : 3mm (←means “thick”)

groove : 5mm

Overall, I should make the parameter of “joint clearance”, because I changed the joint clearance later.

But this time, I wanted to make loose joint. so I choose 3mm which is same number of material thickness.

You can add the mathematical formula too.

Create Sketch > Center Diameter Circle

Create a circle and add “dia” on the parameter box.

Finish Sketch.

select Extrude(e)

Select the circle and add “tick” in Distance.

Create Sketch > Line > Create 2 middle line(horizontal and vertical ) with Construction >Create a line in between the middle lines > Sketch Dimension

Select a middle line and line.

You can see the angle.

Change to 45°

Create a circle with “radius”

Create > Mirror

Select the circles as Objects and middle line as Mirror Line.

Finish Sketch.

I change the radius parameter to 40mm, because it looks nicer.

Extrude > Operation changed to “Cut” and add”-tick” in Distance > OK

First shape done.


Paste the first shape

Hide the Body1 with Eye icon.

Create Sketch > Create two circles. One with “dia”, and another with “dia-5”.

Finish Sketch

Extrude > Operation changed to “Join” and add “tick” in Distance > OK

Create “Construct” on the front of object.

Create Sketch with the Construct.

Create rectangle with “2-Point Rectangle (r)”

Top is “tick”, side is “Groove”

Create a middle line with construction.

Sketch Dimension > select the mid line and side line > add “tick/2”

Sketch Dimension > select the top of rectangle and mid line of dia.

Add “dia/2”

Select Horizontal/ Vertical in Constraints.

Select mid point of rectangle and dia.

Create another rectangle on the side too and Mirror.

Finish Sketch

I changed the radius parameter to 38mm

Extrude > “-tick” in Distance > Operation is “Cut” >OK

Second shape done.

Create another circle. and add “radius+5mm” > Extrude > Cut in middle diamond shape.

Create the rectangle.

And I noticed more easy way to copy.

Create > Circular Pattern

Select Object and Center Point and Quality is 8.

Extrude > Distance is -tick > Operation is Cut > OK

Third shape done.

Expand to 2D data

Download “NESTER” folder.

Select Nester > Press “Run”

Back to Solid > Create > Box

Measure the cardboard and put the size in Length and Width.

It is 600mm × 300mm. And add “tick” in Hight.

Line up the objects as follow;

Right click on “Bodies folder” > Create Components from Bodies

Back to Add-Ins and select “Nester”

Select as follows;

select base face : cardboard

select other faces : 3 objects front

select direction(edge) : top edge of cardboard

component spacing : 5

You can see the data expanded on the cardboard.

Select “Revert Position” when you see the window.

Solid > Create > Project/ Include > Project

Select 3 objects.

Open the Sketch folder and right click on the last sketch and “Save As DXF”

Open DXF file with Adobe Illustrator. Select “Original Size”

Window > Artboards (To Change the canvas size)

Double click on paper icon on the right side

Change the canvas size to cardboard side

Line up the 3 data for whole area

Line thickness is 0.001mm. Color is R: 255 G:0 B:0

Move on to Laser cutting.

I followed what we did in Group assignment.

carboard : 3mm thick

Power : 30

Speed : 1

Hz : 1000

It took around 10min.

Cut nicely

Play with kit!!

It looks too loose the gap.

So Back to Fushion360.

Back the timeline before “Create Components from Bodies”.

Change the “tick” Parameter to 2.65mm that find out the perfect amount of gap for 3mm cardboard in Group assignment.

And back the timeline to the end

Saved the DXF and cut in laser cutter again.

It perfectly fits !!


I wrote a sketch.

And I started to create the design data with Illustrator on Mac PC.

Open New File > set 50mm × 50mm canvas > OK

Select Paintblush tool (B) to drawing.

Rough drawing

And Trimming with Direct Selection Tool (A) and Pen Tool (P).

Change from line to

Fill with arrow on the corner.

Continue trimming

Create a heart shape nose.

Select the points and line up.

Select 3 points.

and line up evenly.

This is the final result.

Export as a “dxf file”.

Setting the Vinyl Cutter.

I used a “Silhouette CAMEO3”.

I downloaded “Silhouette Studio for Mac Ver.4.4.920”.

Open the dxf file from the icon in the middle.

Measure the cutting sheet.

Create the same side canvas area with Width and Height.

Resize the image. You should create Group pass with “command + G” before resizing.

My instructor told me I should open a 3cm gap on top and side.

Set the Sticker Paper

Pull the Right White lever toward you.

You can see the silver bar going up.

Insert the paper into deeper. And White lever go back to up.

Push the up button.

Paper is sent to deep. Just make sure, Paper is perfunctory horizontal.

Back to Silhouette Studio.

Move to “SEND” setting

Select “Cut”

Select “Sticker Paper, Brushed Metal”

Select “Cut”

Select “AutoBlade”

Testing before cutting the data. Press “TEST”.

You can see the triangle.

Cutting right.

Now I “SEND” my logo

I can cut!!

Took off some part that you do not need with paper knife.

Cut the transfer tape

Transfer the Black sticker to Transfer tape.

I found out of difficulty for baby’s eyes and nose. Because those are so small and didn’t stick well on transfer tape.

I probably should cut the sticker paper and take off the sticker around logo too. Then I can push down the transfer paper more.

Apply to the object with Rubber spatula. I wasn’t able to find one. so I used the edge of ruler.

Peel off the transfer tape. And done!!

  • Vinly Cutter with Illustrator[.ai]
  • Vinly Cutter with dfx file[.dxf]
  • Vinly Cutter with Silhouette Studio[.studio3]
  • Parametric kit with Fusion360[.f3d]
  • Parametric kit with dfx file[.dfx]
  • Parametric kit with Illustrator[.ai]

What I learned

I noticed the parameter of laser cutter isn’t always same. We made a list of parameter this time. However It didn’t cut property when I used the same number for my parametric kit. I think because material is bended or humidity is different every day…?

So you should test every time even using same parameter.


Last update: May 1, 2022