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About me

My name is Thinlay Namgyal and I am from Bhutan(Asia). I did my Batchelors Degree at Gedu College of Business Studies under Royal University of Bhutan but I couldnt get my degree as I failed to manage time, I was carried away by my interest in outdoor games. Nevertheless having wasted 5 years in college I realized and learned a lot of lessons about life and time management, and convinced myself not to regret about what has already happened and to look forward and move forward in life. And accordingly I successfully completed my Diploma in Financial Management from Royal Institue of Management(2018 - 2020). After that i joined Desuup(voluntary organisation for disaster management) which shaped me to the better version of myself which I would have never found out otherwise.

I have a Diploma in Financial Management and I took IT during my high school days. FabLab was a new experience for me when I attended a week long classes in the FabLab Bhutan in September month and seeing the machines do the things that they do just through the inputs of designs made by humans have had me interested in learning more about what more these machines can do and it sparked an interest in me for digital fabrication.

Last update: June 27, 2022