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16. Wildcard Week

This week I worked on the Wildcard Week. The assignments are below :

Machine description

I used the Brother VR embroidery machine to embroidered a T-shirt with my logo.

Regarding the piece you want to embroider, there are different embrodery frame :

This machine has these caracteristics :

You need to put some oil at the start but be careful to only put a drop or it would go onto your piece of fabric.

It works with the PE Design 10 software.

Engrave a T-shirt

  • Open the software
  • The assistant open automaticly a page, click on “Define and create a page” > “Define the size of the fabric and the drum”

  • Choose the size of the drum regarding your project

  • Choose the kind of fabric

  • Click on “Import fabric patterns”

  • The menu on the left allows you to modify the different characters individually or in groups.

  • In the caracteristics menu you have different parameters. The most important one is the density, a high number means that the machine will do more passages and so the wires will be tighter. In my case, I chose to increase it to 6.5.

  • On the left menu you can see the order of realisation of the machine. The color bar at the bottom represents this progression and the size is proportional of the time spending on each task. If you click on the multicolor squares and select all your characters, it regroups the tasks by colors and so it’s more practical for the wire changing.

  • You have two kinds of support : an hydrosoluble one to stick with a glue bomb and a detachable support with two side (rough and smooth). You put the smooth one inside the reverse t-shirt and put it with an iron.

  • Then you take the embroidery frame you need. In my case I took the 100 x 100 mm one and I used the detachable support as recommanded by the software for a t-shirt.

  • Stick the detachable support on the inside of the t-shirt with the iron

  • Fix the t-shirt with the frame

  • Put one drop of oil in the groove of the can :

  • Switch on the machine

  • Plug your USB storage and open it

  • Select your file

  • Then put the wire you want. There are more than 6 steps :

  • Then click on the button to prepare the wire attach :

  • Put the t-shirt :

  • Click on “Lock” and then on the “arrow” :

  • That’s the result :

From the inside of the t-shirt, you need to remove the paper :

From the outside, cut the extra wires !

Finally, I could have increase the density because the wires could have been tighter to improve the embroidery quality.


  • Too much oil and some machine wire mistakes : we needed to do it again several times !

  • We needed to use a helping function to start over exactly where we were :

  • Some broken wires issues, so we checked the can :

Last update: May 15, 2022