Week 17
Applications & Implications

Individual assignment Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.
- Since i already have a final page up and running i will answer the question here just briefly and refer to the other page when needed.
- searched on different versions of my project and for separate things i needed help with like the hinge for example.
What will it do?
It will be my sweet reminder that i should have taken my pill, don’t need an alarm when to take it but do need to be reminded if i forgot. Wanna stop asking friends to go to my house to check if the box for today is empty. So i would like the device to find me (my phone) and send me a signal.
Who’s done what beforehand?
There are lots of pill boxes with alarm but these either require you to take the alarm with you as in a sort of buzzer or the box itself is the alarm. Works great for elderly but not for me. Honestly also really not liking their designs, mine also has to look great :)
What will you design?
I will create a 7 day pill box with an connection to WIFI to send me a message. This has been my idea since before i started Fab academy and honestly the only aspects that changed during the half year is that i was able to create what was visually already present in my brain. Of course i learned a lot in all the different weeks but mostly i struggled with making the hinch work properly and which sensor to use. Joining the global talks on saturday has been really good, being able to bounce ideas of people that know what is out there and how to use it has make a bit difference for me. On the process of the final project i explain more the technical journey.
What materials and components will be used?
Box containing the pill
This box will be made with a 3D printer, the specific material that i will use i am still researching. More specifications you can find on my final page. The inside will have to be black for the sensor to work properly.
The base
The base will be made from wood cuts out with the Shopbot, with space for the KY033/wiring and the ESP32 plus convertor to 5Volt
The back plate
This plate will be hiding the electronics mainly the ESP32 and the converter (5V to 3.3V). the transformer from 220 to 5V i will keep outside of the box. Not 100% sure yet off the material, probably also acryl to match the front side.
The LED plate
This plate will be covering the LEDs in front of the boxes, will paint this black and engrave letters in it, so that they will light up when it’s my window to take the pill.
Where will come from?
Most of the material will still have to be bought, although i do have the KY033 and a ESP32, and the optional filament. I did dive into trying to make my own KY033 in in Electronics week but decided that it is just to bulky and not worth to spend the time on since i am already pushing it a bit.
How much will they cost?
Gonna be way to expensive for what it is, even without considering working hours, but it’s worth a million to me.
Amount | Component | size | already in stock | Cost |
7x | KY033 | yes | 0,00 | |
1x | ESP32 32E | yes | 0,00 | |
1x | acrylic plate | 200mm x 100mm | yes | 0,00 |
1x | wood | 200mm x 100mm | yes | 0,00 |
15x | led (white/red) | yes | 0,00 |
For example the filament i bought, not even mentioning the 3D printer.
What parts and systems will be made?
Everything except the KY033 which i explain above why i made that choice.
What questions need to be answered?
My 2 main questions at the moment are how to get an alarm to my phone and what material to use for a good hinge and stable walls of the box.
For the hinge i got a very nice working one since yesterday.
Your project should incorporate
2D and 3D design
The separate pill boxes will be in 3D and the layer underneath which hides and holds the electronic will be milled from wood and laser cut from acrylic.
Additive and Subtractive fabrication processes
Both will be used as i use 3D printing, laser cutting and milling.
Electronics design and production
The LED’s for underneath the letters and the signal from the IR will go to the ESP32 for which i will need to create a PCB.
Embedded micro controller interfacing and programming
This section will be covered with the communication between the ESP32, the KY033, the leds and my phone :)
System integration and packaging
Still in this process, only making this for myself so not thinking about packaging.
- I am so proud i made it so far that i could realize whats in my head for so long
- it would have been nice if all sizes of pills would have worked, if the pill is to small it will fall into the hole and the sensor will not be able to reflect.