Individual assignment on Project Development.
What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
Task have been completed.
- 3D design of final structure in Rhino is done.
- Final structure frame is done.
- Schematics and board design of ESP 32 microcontroller board
- Milling, stuffing and soldering the ESP 32 microcontroller board.
- I have used the two input devices BME 280(Temperature & Humidity sensor) and BH 1750 (Light sensor). The testing of input devices is done.
- The testing of output devices like exhaust fan and submersible water pump is done according the condition of input devices.
- Programming the ESP32 microcontroller board is done.
- Used laser cutter for cutting the peripherals of project like microcontroller board and switching circuit board box, humidifier box.
- Data sent on cloud (Thingspeak).
- Trails are done with prototype.
Tasks remain.
- Final assembly of project is remaining.
- Preparation of Slide and video for presentation.
- Documentation of final project.
What has worked? what hasn't?
- The input sensors BME 280 and BH 1750 are working properly.
- The output device (Exhaust fan) is working perfectly fine.
- The controlled condition parameters are displayed on LCD as well as send on cloud.
Not working.
- The used submersible water pump is not working properly and get damage as continuously emersed in water.
What questions need to be resolved?
- Why the submersible water pump got damage when emersed for long time in water?
- After the few days of working, why ESP32 chip get shorted?
What will happen when?
- Upto 5th of June I will resolved the issue related to the submersible water pump.
- On 6th of June I will completed my final project assembly work.
- Upto 8th of June I will complete all casing, packaging and final testing of final project.
- Upto 9th June I will complete the preparations slide and video for the final presentations.
- On 11th of June will present my final presentations.
- Upto 15th of June I will finish my remaining documentation.
- From 16th of June I will do the modification required from local as well as global evaluator.
What will happen when?
- Upto 5th of June I will resolved the issue related to the submersible water pump.
- On 6th of June I will completed my final project assembly work.
- Upto 8th of June I will complete all casing, packaging and final testing of final project.
- Upto 9th June I will complete the preparations slide and video for the final presentations.
- On 11th of June will present my final presentations.
- Upto 15th of June I will finish my remaining documentation.
- From 16th of June I will do the modification required from local as well as global evaluator.
What have you learned?
The answer of this question is nothing but the opening of gift box with lots of surprises that are the skills I have got during the different assignments. Some of them are listed below.
- I have learnt the CAD designing software like Rhino, Blender which I haven’t used before this.
- Design the 2D and 3D object and use of Laser cutter and 3D printing,its amazing.
- I have learnt the used of Eagle software for PCB board designing. Also used the SRM-20 for milling the PCB. Stuffing and soldering the SMD components is quite interesting.
- I have learnt how to program the microcontroller with Arduino IDE.
- I have Learnt how to interfaced, programmed the input devices (BME 280 and BH1750) and output devices (Exhaust fan, water pump, LED) with controller.
- I have learnt how finish the final project with different fabrication processes.
Go to the final project page click here.
SAMS-Smart Azolla Multiplier System by Anand S. Tale is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0