13. Output devices¶
This week I worked on controlling motor speed and direction.
Requirements for this project¶
the requirement for this project is to add an output device to a microcontroller board that I have designed, and program it to do something.
I used my microcontroller which I have designed and build in Electronics Design Week
Raspberry Pi
Touch Screen
- Connect motor to motor Driver
- Connect motor driver to microcontroller.
|Motor driver Pin |Microcontroller Pin|
|VR |D5 |
|Z/F |D6 |
|Signal |D7 |
|EL |D8 |
|5V |5V |
- Connect microcontroller to raspberry PI with FTDI cable.
- Connect touch screen to raspberryPi with USB and HDMI cable.
- To program the microcontroller I have used Arduino UNO board connected with ISP header of the microcontroller.
Arduino UNO Pin # | Microcontroller ISP Port |
12 | 1-MISO |
5V | 2-VCC |
13 | 3-SCK |
11 | 4-MOSI |
10 | 5-RST |
GND | 6-GND |
- Open Arduino IDE and go to File >> Examples >> Firmata >> StandardFirmata
Firmata is a protocol for communicating with microcontrollers from software on a computer. For more details you can check the GitHub page - To program the microcontroller go to Sketch and clink on Upload Using Programmer
Open Raspberry Pi terminal and install pyfirmata library for python by running the following command
pip install pyfirmata
Open any Python Editor and write the following python code to control the motor
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.font
from time import sleep
from pyfirmata import Arduino, util
from pyfirmata import INPUT, OUTPUT, PWM
arduinoPort = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
board = Arduino(arduinoPort)
pin3 = board.get_pin("d:3:o") # LED Pin
motorPin = board.get_pin("d:5:p") # PWM pin connected to LED
motorEL = board.get_pin("d:8:o") # Motor Enable
motorZF = board.get_pin("d:6:o") # Motor Direction
win = Tk()
win.title("Motor Control")
myFont = tkinter.font.Font(family = "Helvetica", size =12, weight = "bold")
def ledToggle():
if ledButton["text"] == "Turn Motor off":
ledButton["text"] = "Turn Motor ON"
ledButton["text"]= "Turn Motor off"
def close():
def speed(val):
val = float(val)
if val <0:
val = abs(val)
selection = "Backward = " + str(val)
elif val >0:
selection = "Forward = " + str(val)
selection = "Stop"
label.config(text = selection)
ledButton = Button(win, text="Turn Motor ON", font=myFont, command=ledToggle, bg="bisque2", height=1, width=24)
var = DoubleVar()
speedScale = Scale(win, from_=-0.5, to=0.5, resolution = 0.05, variable = var, command = speed, orient=HORIZONTAL, length = 500, width = 50 )
label = Label(win)
label.grid(row=2, column = 1)
exitButton = Button (win,text = "Exit", font = myFont, command = close, bg = "red", height = 1, width = 10)
win.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close)
You can download the full python code from here
Run the python code
Click on Turn Motor ON and move the slider to control the motor speed and direction
This is how it works:
Useful links¶
Group assignment:¶
Measure the power consumption of an output device Document your work (in a group or individually)
For the Group Assignment, I’ll measure the power consumption for the motor. which will be used for my final project.
I have installed Two motors in my Robot and check the current consumption.
- First test in desk without load.
Power = Current x Voltage = 0.07A x 24.4V =1.708W
Power for each motor = 1.708 / 2 = 0.854W
- Second test with load and robot moving in the floor.
Power = Current x Voltage = 0.27A x 24.4V =6.588W
Power for each motor = 6.588 / 2 = 3.294W