4. Computer controlled cutting¶
For this week, I have learnt on:¶
[√] 1. What is the Vinylcutter?
[√] 2. What is the Lasercutter?
For this week, I worked on:¶
[√] 1. Group Assignment - We have characterized the lasercutter, FLUX Beamo for its focus, power, speed, rate, kerf and joint clearance, in our school. If you have interest, you can CLICK HERE to know more about the details. Some main points are mentioned below:
Our team were grouped togerther last week and our experienced teacher demonstrated the procedures of laser cutting.
These are some products of laser cutting from my colleagues as samples for me.
There are different types of materials and we selected the appropriate material this time. The thickness of the material could be shown to measure by techical measuring tool, caliper.
We tried to use different software, CorelDraw and Fusion360, to design our laser cutting products.
This is the laser cutting product with 3mm cardboard that we tried this time. It likes a tree by using 8 different parts.
Source File for My Own Tree by Laser Cutter
I have tried to change parameter that change the value of expression only automatically change the joints to fix the all parts regularly.
The button of “Modify” was clicked to choose “Change Parameters”. According to the thickness of the materials, the value of expressed could be changed. Then, the thichness of that piece would be followed to change as follows:
The thickness of each figure could be changed easily by input different value.
[√] 2. individual assignment - cut something on the vinylcutter
- Design
- Vinylcutter
- Convert file.jpg to file.svg by using Online Converter
Source File for Sticker by Vinyl Cutter
- Platform for vinylcutter, CanvasWorkSpace
accounting for the lasercutter kerf
My Finish Product (“4” is the best Blade scale setting by using our printer)
Turn to Blade scale setting “5”
If you use the wrong blade scale setting, you will fail to print the appropriate product. Trying several times for different blade scale setting on different materials is recommended to get the perfect product.

I draw from the crowd a lot
Kobe Bryant