1. Principles and practices¶
Fab Charter¶
Read the Fab Charter following the link below. Fab Charter
Final Project¶
About my final project, I just have a general idea to build up a machine which could help me pick up tennis balls. Because I am teaching my elder son tennis and it take us a long time to pick up these balls. So I am thinking to find a solution to fix our problem.
The first idea came to my mind is to make something like this.
But I am still need to do some research to find a way to complete this sketch. I goolge a lot find some similar designs from simple DIY project to commercial products.
Click the picture to find the original sources.
2. Project management¶
Assignment Checklist¶
- [x] Made a website and described how you did it
- [x] Introduced yourself(about)
- [x] Documented steps for uploading files to archive
- [x] Pushed to the class archive(gitlab)
- [x] Signed and uploaded Student Agreement
Build up a Personal Site¶
I changed a little bit of the default website built with Mkdown in theme Material.
- using VScode to edit source file
- config the gitlab, since git is already installed.
- clone project from the gitlab.
initial commit to gitlab.
git init # initializing the git
Change the color of the navbar from dark color to pink by changing the mkdocs.yml file.
- change the accent color to yellow.
fot itme 4 and 5 go to the mkdocs.yml file and change the theme code as below:
theme: name: material palette: primary: pink # change the primary color of the website accent: yellow # change the accent of the website
Change the text font to mukta by searching through the google fonts by modify the font type in mkdocs.yml file.
font: # See available fonts at https://fonts.google.com/ text: mukta code: Ubuntu Mono
7. change the navbar icon to a cake shape, by editing the logo type in the mkdocs.yml file. ``` icon: logo: material/cake-variant```
edit with markdown file.
### Title //add title
 //add picture
<a href="url">link</a> //use html to add other functions.
Upload to the archive¶
First of all generate SSH key and add the key to gitlab. By using command below I could change and update files remotely.
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git push
Git tutorial¶
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance.
There are many resource on website with a good documentation.
Without git people have to save files in serials of names. But in this way it will be hard to control complicated projects and even makes people confused to track the changes they have made before.
To use git, first download with homebrew.
$ brew install git
Then check the git version to make sure the git is installed successfully.
$ git --version
git version 2.24.3 (Apple Git-128)
use git help if needed
$git --help
some useful command for reference:
git add . // add all to the stage
git status // check the a summary of changes
git reset --hard HEAD //go back to last version
git pull // git fetch and git merge against tracking upstream branch
git setup
git config --global user.name "type your name"
git config --global user email "type your email"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "type you email"
add SSH key to the gitlab.
- to uncommit
git reset --hard HEAD^
git reset HEAD@{1}
Student Agreement¶
Could be found in the agreement page. Agreement