Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income¶
Final project dissemination plan.
16 Presentation
15 presentation development
14 presentation development
13 testing and tweaking
12 electronics and casing final version manufacturing
11 overall design refinements
10 user experience design refinements
9 system integration testing
8 electronics and casing manufacturing
7 system integration design refinements
6 electronics design refinements
5 code design refinements
4 enclosure test prints
3 mount manufacturing
2 input to output code development
1 transmitter and receiver code refinement
Future possibilities¶
Possible applications could be viewed from the perspective of sensing augmentation. In this case human senses are augmented to perceived physical objects through skin mapping. The goal is to increase road awareness of the user while riding some kind of personal transport. Also, this idea could be extended to other kinds of sensing enhancement systems or sensing systems for disabled peoples.
To turn possible into probable, such system should meet certain criteria:
1. Object perception method must be robust and reliable.
2. Feedback method should provide intuitive interface.
3. System must be responsive enough for real time application.
4. Using such device should be benefitial, or at least equall, comparing to regular detection methods (side mirrors, head turning).
5. System must enchance sensing and not distracting it.