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Building Linux environment under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Starting the FabAcademy course I’ve begun with setting up working environment on my Windows machine.

In order to Install a Linux distro on PC I need to enable it firs. There are two versions of subsystem which are WSL1 and WSL2.

Notice! Only version 1903 or higher, with Build 18362 or higher are compatible with WSL2 features. To check windows version go to Settings > Update & Security scroll down and click OS build info. Under Windows specification look for Version and OS buld.

Enabling features

To enable WSL, execute following commands in PowerShell
▼ press Start with mouse right button
▼ klick Windows PowerShell (Admin)
▼ run this into the terminal

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

▼ enable Virtual Machine feature

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

▼ or enable WSL using GUI

▼ Restart machine to complete WSL setup
⬤ Windows is now ready to install Linux on it.

Installing Linux

▼ Download and then install Linux kernel update package with this link


To install Linux

▼ go to Microsoft Store
▼ search and install desired distribution.

I’m using two similar Ubuntu 20.04 LTS distros with WSL1 and WSL2 due to limitations of WSL2, it doesn’t yet support Serial USB connection but WSL1 does.

▼ install Windows terminal from the same store.

Starting up Linux

▼ Run installed Linux Distro.

On start Ubuntu prompts to fill-in user name and password

▼ Fill credentials and proceed.
⬤ Now Ubuntu is up and running.

Setting up Shel

Zsh and is an alternative to default Bash shell in ubuntu. In pair with oh my zsh it offers great git tracking features with extended autofill and built in aliases (kinda shortcuts to command). I’m using Zsh with “Oh my zsh” framework and Powerlewel10k theme.

Installation commands varies on different Linux distributions.

▼ run to install Zsh on Ubuntu

sudo apt install zsh

Further steps require curl to be done. Install it using sudo apt-get install curl. Curl is a program which allows downloading from different urls.

▼ run command to change default shell

chsh -s $(which zsh)

▼ install Oh my zsh by running this

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

git is pre installed in Ubuntu, anyway, here is a command to install it manually.

sudo apt install git

Installing the theme

Powerlewel10k theme provides beautiful icons for git tracking and command line customization. In order to make it work in Windows Terminal some config modifications as well as recommended fonts are needed.

From this point switch to Windows terminal, it’s a good terminal with tons of features.

Here are the recommended patched powerlevel10k fonts:

MesloLGS NF Regular.ttf
MesloLGS NF Bold.ttf
MesloLGS NF Italic.ttf
MesloLGS NF Bold Italic.ttf

To configure Windows Terminal

▼ Open Windows terminal on the top panel right after tabs
▼ press on arrow and choose Settings from menu.

Now settings.json config file is open in the default editor.

▼ Look for the block with your linux distro name in it

in my case its “Ubuntu-20.04”

            "hidden":false, "name": "Ubuntu-20.04",

▼ copy contents of the brackets in "guid":"{ this number }"
▼ scroll to the top and replace similar field in "defaultProfile": "{ put it here }"
▼ look down a little for this block

"defaults": {
        // Put settings here that you want to apply
        // to all profiles.
        "colorScheme": "Spacedust",
        "startingDirectory": "C://Users//username",
        "guid": "{07b52e3e-de2c-5db4-bd2d-ba144ed6c273}",
        "hidden": false, "name": "Ubuntu-20.04",
        "source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl"

▼ add two lines to modify default font

    "fontFace": "MesloLGS NF",
    "fontSize": 13,

▼ make it look like this

"defaults": {
        // Put settings here that you want to apply
        // to all profiles.

    "fontFace": "MesloLGS NF",
    "fontSize": 13,
    "colorScheme": "Spacedust",
        "startingDirectory": "C://Users//username",
        "guid": "{07b52e3e-de2c-5db4-bd2d-ba144ed6c273}",
        "hidden": false, "name": "Ubuntu-20.04",
        "source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl"

modify "startingDirectory":"C://Users/username" to always start in the preferred directory.

▼ Save changes to settings.json and install Powerlewel10k theme by running this command

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

▼ run this command to edit .zshrc file

sudo nano ~/.zshrc

▼ look for the line ZSH_THEME="<some_theme_here>"
▼ paste powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k into the brackets, so the result is


▼ press Ctrl+x, type “y” and press Enter

this will save the .zshrc file and exit

▼ Restart Windows Terminal and run the command

p10k configure

this will start theme configuration wizard.

▼ proceed choosing desired style of your prompt

⬤ Done! Now Zsh with p10k are set.

Adding alias to open files in Windows easily

WSL allows you to open files in default Windows apps from within Linux command line but its goes only to win apps that are in windows PATH directory, so I created a small script and added it to .zshrc to shortcut this process. ▼ Open .zshrc file

sudo nano ~/.zshrc

▼ paste this at the end of file

wi () {
  S="start $(wslpath -w .)'\'$1"

  if [[ "$S" == *"$STR"* ]];
  printf  '%s' $S | powershell.exe

    cmd.exe /C start "$(wslpath -m .)"'\'$1

▼ save and exit

⬤ Now you can open any file that is stored in Windows directory with Windows app which is set default to open this filetype.

Notice! This works only from parent to target file directory and if using ZSH, add unsetopt PROMPT_SP to .zshrc file.

This script automatically prints current directory in linux style /mnt/c/Users/.../, adds path which is typed after “wi ” and converts it to Windows style path C:\\Users\\...\\. Then it sends this command to Windows CMD or PowerShell that eventually opens the file in default for that file extension app.


Now I’m ready to proceed with git. Git is a version control software. Overall, It’s easy to use software for the starters but could be complicated in some use cases. Software tracks all the changes you’ve made to files and syncing with a server in tracked manner using commits. It allows to making branches, so you could easily spawn multiple versions of project where multiple people could work within the same branch, or even file. All commits are archived and stored, so you could easily retrieve any data from old repo states.

Setting up SSH

To start using git you will need the software, SSH key and the repo. Git goes pre installed on Ubuntu but if not it’s easy to install it using sudo apt install git. SSH is a network protocol which allows to securely connect to remote locations using cryptographic keys. To install it run sudo apt install openssh-server. From this point we need to generate SSH keys and add one of them to your git server. Let’s generate the keys using recomendations from GitLab using ED25519 key type which is more secure than RSA. So, in order to generate keys:

▼ Run

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<comment>"

👁 You’ll see tthis

Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519):

▲ Accept the suggested filename and directory pressing enter

👁 Now terminal prints

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

▲ Specify a pass phrase and proceed
👁 the final printout

Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_ed25519
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:L8lyHMxku+GZuCjhYiaQc/Z3lLQ74hhRdNIKhU/hEcQ comment
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|     =O+.        |
|    ooE+.        |
|     +o.o        |
|     .o=..       |
| .  .  .So       |
|+ +  . =+O       |
|.= o. o.@..      |
|ooo .+o++.       |
|+. .oooo .       |

Now there are two new files in ~/.ssh/ which are and id_ed25519. The one with .pub extension is the public key which we will add to GitLab and the second is private. Private keys must be held securely and exposure of which implies security risks.

Next steps are adding public key to GitLab or any git provider of choice.
▼ Go to GitLab, press icon with your picture at the right top corner
▼ go to Settings
▼ in the left menu press SSH Keys


▼ go back to your terminal and run

this command applies only for WSL

cat ~/.ssh/ | clip.exe

▲ the .pub key is now copied to the clipboard
▼ paste it to GitLab’s field under Key paragraph
▼ press Add key
⬤ Now it’s possible to securely connect to the remote.

Using git

To start using git and need to be set
▼ Run replacing brackets contents with your name and email

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

Use Git credentials, to verify that changes were made correctly run git config --list

Git allows you to easily copy remote locations using git clone. In order to be able to commit changes to the remote SSH clone URL must be used:

▼ Go to GitLab’s repo main page and press Copy SSH clone URL
▼ switch to terminal
cd to the directory you wish to clone into and run

git clone

▲ replacing with your SSH clone link

Now remote repos’ snapshot is present in local. To update local to the remotes’ state use git pull. To load changed files to the remote the following steps are required:

git add <path to file> to add files you want to commit
git commit -m <message> to commit attaching a description message

Notice! Before pushing changes to remote, run git pull to load changes that have been made since last the pull by other users that have access to the repo.

git push to push changes to the remote

⬤ Done! Commits are pushed, and the changes are made to the repo.

Using MkDocs

As a complete newbie in web development I decided to use MkDocs for my documentation process. I’s easy to use and have enough extensibility to cover my needs. I like the material theme that comes default with FabAcademy repo.

Utilizing the WSL it’s easy to install all is needed for mkdocs. First to fall I’m installing python using apt install python. Then using Python package manager Pip I’ve installed all id needed using these commands:

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin

Now going into cloned git project folder run mkdocs serve. And see the output:

INO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Documentation built in 4.11 seconds
[I 210318 18:07:36 server:335] Serving on
INFO    -  Serving on
[I 210318 18:07:36 handlers:62] Start watching changes
INFO    -  Start watching changes
[I 210318 18:07:36 handlers:64] Start detecting changes
INFO    -  Start detecting changesF

Following the link from printout starting with http:// would open locally built version of the website. Now writing to would automatically update local web page. This is how I can interactively build my documentation (almost) instantly detecting changes.

MkDocs could be configured through mkdocs.yml file in the repos’ root folder.

Also you could use html code right in .md file and use extra css to achieve more.

Image optimization and scripting

Using WSL2 goes with all the goods from linux you could think of. One of them is easy to use scripting language with tons of tutorials on a web. It could be used to automate many tasks and as a good intro into coding. I’ve wrote some handy scripts to automate image optimization and append corresponding lines to .md files with corresponding tags. Now I can easily transfer last clip from some source folder, compress if needed and place it into repo’s images folder also modifying target MkDocs page file.

▼ script in action

Here you can see I’m using script named from within Vim to automatically append video to this file.

▼ script itself


L="$(echo $(ls -at  /mnt/c/Users/username/clips/* | head -1))" 
C=$(basename ${L%.*})


echo $C

if [[ $L == *.jpg ]]
    cp "$L" "$T.jpg"

echo "▼ </br>" >> $Z
echo " " >> $Z
echo "![$1](../images/week$N/$C-$1.jpg)" >> $Z
echo " " >> $Z
    if [[ -z $2 ]] then
    cp "$L" "$T.mp4"
        ffmpeg -an -y -i $L -qmin 10 -qmax 40 -crf 30 -c:v libx264 -b:v 600k -c:a aac -ar 48000 -b:a 128k -vf 'scale=-2:min(1080\,trunc(ih/2)*2)' $T.mp4  

echo "▼ </br>" >> $Z
echo " " >> $Z
        echo '<video controls autoplay loop width="100%">' >> $Z
        echo "<source src="../../images/week$N/$C-$1.mp4" type="video/mp4">" >> $Z
        echo '</video>' >> $Z
echo " " >> $Z
#convert -auto-orient -resize 1000 -strip -interlace Plane -quality 85% "$L" "$T" 

The first line should be shebang that points to interpreter, in my case its #!/bin/env zsh.


Oh my zsh
Windows terminal
GitLab WSL tutorial

Last update: July 9, 2021