Embedded Programming

Group Assignment * Compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures. After reading some microcontrollers datasheets, I summarized the following differences:

PIC16F877A ATmega328 ATtiny44 ATtiny45
Pins Count 40-44 14 8 32
I/O pins 33 12 6 23
Flash memory 8 Kb 8 Kb 8 Kb 32 Kb
EEPROM 256 bytes 512 bytes 512 bytes 1 kb
ADC channels 8 8 4 6-8

Individual assignments In this assignment I have to: * Read a microcontroller data sheet, program my board to do something, with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible. In this assignment I have used Arduino UNO board as programmer. This link from Official website of Arduino produce a helpful tutorial about using Arduino as ISP. I tested my board that I designed and manufacture in week 7. Arduino as ISP: To use the Arduino UNO as an ISP, first step is upload an example with name "ArduinoISP" to the Arduino UNO boardr.

Wire Connection: The connections between the ATTIny44 and the Arduino Uno is shown in the following table:

Arduino BoardResetMOSIMISOSCK
Uno 10 11 12 13

And the connection is described:
Uplaod the program: After choosing ATtiny44 board and select the oscillator frequency from "Tools", upload the program using "Upload Using programmer"
schematic week7
Board test: I try a simple switch program:

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