Applications and Implications

Assignment: Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered and answering:

What will it do?
Design and implement an electrical assistive walking device. This device called "standing frame", which is is assistive technology that can be used by people who are unable to stand independently because of a disability. standing frame helps children with partial paralysis to move.

Who's done what beforehand?
There are many similar commercial products, but most of them did not contain motors and sometimes there are not wheels either.

What will you design?
I will design the next:
1. Standing frame structure using SOLIDWORKS software and cutting it using CNC machine.
2. Two embedded circuits for motor control and communication.
3. Some accessories and implement them using 3D printer or by molding & casting technique.
4. Stickers to attract the children.

What materials and components will be used?
In yhis project I need:
1. ATMEGA328P Microcontrollers.
2. 12mm MDF.
3. Bluetooth Module.
4. 6 volts Rechargeable battery.
5. Joystick.
6. Wheels.
7. Two DC Motors with gears.

Where will come from?
Some of them I exported from abroad and others are available in FabLab Libya. Wheels and chassis I recycle them from old toys.

How much will they cost?
Material Quantity Unit Price Total Price
ATMEGA328P-AU 1 1.56 1.56
HC-04 Bluetooth Module 1 2.1 2.1
6 volts Rechargeable battery 1 11.89 11.89
Joystick 1 1.12 1.12
Wheels 4 12.24 48.96
DC Motors with gears 2 2.99 5.98
12mm MDF 1 28.97 28.97
Total amount is about 100 USD.

What parts and systems will be made?
* SOLIDWORKS to design the frame and 3D objects.
* Eagle for circuit design.
* AppInventor for mobile Application.

What processes will be used?
* CNC router machine.
* Vinylcutter.
* 3D printer.


What questions need to be answered?
* Is it comfortable and safe for children?
* Could motors handle the children weight?
* How difficult to children and parents to control it?
* Is the battery lasts enough time?

How will it be evaluated?
* Testing on a child and notice his ability on controlling the machine.
* Asking the child about how comfort is standing on the device.
* Give child parents the control and Take notes