Plan and sketch a potential final project
In my final project, I try to design and implement an electrical assistive walking device. This device called "standing frame", which is is assistive technology that can be used by people who are unable to stand independently because of a disability.
This alternative device helps to support physically challenged people, including paraplegia. This standing helps these people to earn the physical health benefits that this movement provides and to reduce the health risks often associated with sitting for long time.
using joystick to control device movements.
I designed a standing frame for children form 7 to 12 years. Important thing in standing for children is that the body is better aligned, their head control may be better and this in turn helps their ability to play, draw or write. Standing stretches out muscles in the legs and back and allows joints to be straight and properly aligned.

The model of the standing frame contains fixation straps for the child with a control arm and motors to move it with the
ability to be monitored by parents using a mobile application.
The project contains the following:
Motors to move the cart forward and backward.
Motor driver to control left and right rotation.
Control arm.
Bluetooth communication to allow parents to control the standing frame.